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发布时间:2018-01-12 23:02

  本文关键词:武汉商业地产市场分析与发展预测研究 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 商业地产 8大商圈 趋势预测

【摘要】:长期以来,房地产行业的欣欣向荣为中国的国民经济发展的推动起到了至关重要的作用。然而2008年开始,我国的房地产市场指标屡创新高,尤其是以北京、上海为首的国内众多一线城市,房地产投资呈现出过热的局面,为我们敲响了房地产行业泡沫产生的警钟。促进房地产市场健康有序的发展,我国政府逐步推出了一系列的宏观调控政策措施,在这种背景下,房地产开发商的龙头企业开始将目光投向市场空间较大、土地价格相对稳定的二线、三线城市的房地产开发。 近几年,为刺激区域经济快速增长,武汉市地方政府开始采用低价销售并重建大面积土地、改造城中村的方法,发展房地产行业的投资,并取得了初步的成效。2000年起,武汉市的房地产投资总额以平均高于20%的比例飞速增长,随着“十二五”期间对“中部崛起”政策的调整,武汉市的房地产市场发展将会迈上新的台阶,预计2014年武汉市房地产开发投资总额将有望突破2000亿元。 武汉市房地产市场的发展趋势最近几年也有一定的转变——由原先的住宅类地产投资一方独大,逐渐开始向投资商业地产市场转型。这也与2011年政府出台的限购住房的制度规定密不可分,投资商为了应对通货膨胀预期,并规避政策风险,权衡利弊后,将资金转向投放到商业地产的项目,直接刺激了商业地产市场的蓬勃发展。 本文以武汉市的商业地产市场的发展现状作为研究依据,根据武汉目前各大的商业项目所处位置、商业体量、发展商实力、物业管理等多种因素对商业项目进行综合、具体地考虑,然后选取武汉具有代表性的8大零售商圈商业地产数据,选取其中具备竞争实力的项目作为优质物业,深入分析其分布、业态结构、特色、市场表现,在此基础上对武汉商业地产的未来供应的分布以及发展趋势做出初步的预测。
[Abstract]:For a long time, the prosperity of the real estate industry has played a vital role in promoting the development of China's national economy. However, since 2008, China's real estate market indicators have repeatedly reached new heights. Especially in many first-tier cities in China, led by Beijing and Shanghai, the real estate investment is overheated, which has sounded the alarm of the real estate industry bubble and promoted the healthy and orderly development of the real estate market. Our government has gradually introduced a series of macro-control policies and measures. Under this background, the leading enterprises of real estate developers begin to focus on the second line, which has a larger market space and relatively stable land prices. Real estate development in third tier cities. In recent years, in order to stimulate the rapid growth of regional economy, the local government of Wuhan began to use low-price sales and reconstruction of a large area of land, the transformation of villages in the city, the development of real estate investment. Since 2000, the total investment of real estate in Wuhan has been increasing rapidly by an average of more than 20%, along with the adjustment of the policy of "the rise of the central region" during the "12th Five-Year Plan" period. The development of Wuhan real estate market is expected to reach a new level and the total investment in Wuhan real estate development is expected to exceed 200 billion yuan in 2014. Wuhan's real estate market trend has also changed in recent years-by the original residential real estate investment alone. Gradually began to invest in the commercial real estate market transition. This is also closely related to the government in 2011 to limit the purchase of housing regulations, investors in order to cope with inflation expectations and avoid policy risks. After weighing the pros and cons, the transfer of funds to commercial real estate projects directly stimulated the vigorous development of the commercial real estate market. In this paper, the development of Wuhan commercial real estate market as the research basis, according to Wuhan's current commercial projects in the position, commercial volume, developer strength. Property management and other factors to synthesize the commercial projects, specific considerations, and then selected Wuhan representative of 8 retailers circle of commercial real estate data, select one of the competitive strength of the project as a quality property. Based on the in-depth analysis of the distribution, structure, characteristics and market performance of Wuhan commercial real estate, this paper makes a preliminary prediction of the distribution and development trend of the future supply of Wuhan commercial real estate.


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