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发布时间:2018-01-13 00:30

  本文关键词:JL房地产公司G项目定位研究 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产营销 定位 市场细分

【摘要】:中国房地产行业经过十余年的快速发展,正在从高速运行转变到稳步推进,中国房地产行业现有格局正在随中国经济发展形势和城市化进程发展悄然发生着改变,面对着国家多轮严厉调控政策,以及行业格局的调整,“提升转型”已势在必行。在这样的政策形势和行业发展趋势之下,房地产商必须用前瞻的意识看待市场,应意识到专业知识体的重要,只有科学的分析方法理清思路,研究对策,寻找方向,在新环境中保存实力、发展自己、才能在市场竞争的浪潮中站稳脚跟,实现跨越式发展。 本论文的研究目的在于探索在房地产企业发展的过程中,如何运用市场营销的理论知识和分析工具来制定企业的项目定位策略,做到“策之而指得失之计”,从而最终实现房地产开发公司对项目经营计划的预期。 本论文选取JL房地产公司G项目为研究对象,首先对论文所涉及的定位理论、项目定位理论在房地产领域的应用,以及所涉及的分析工具进行了阐述,明确了文章论证的理论依据,并且对房地产项目定位的含义、维度和发展过程等进行梳理和概括;其次对JL公司目前发展的现状以及G项目的基本信息和项目定位工作存在的问题作了陈述;再次,本论文通过STP理论建立的分析模型,对项目所在区域的行业和竞争对手现状进行了分析,同时运用SWOT分析法对JL房地产公司G项目进行了全面的分析考察;随后,根据全面环境分析及G项目的实际出发,依照项目定位的三大诉求优化限制条件、价值最大化、塑造竞争优势,为JL房地产公司G项目制定了市场、产品、客群、价格等方面的具体项目定位;最后,针对保障企业项目定位工作顺利实施的条件和措施提出了笔者的建议并拿出了切实可行的方案。
[Abstract]:China real estate industry after more than ten years of rapid development, is from high speed to Chinese steadily, the real estate industry is China with the existing pattern of economic development and the process of city development is changing quietly, facing the national multi round stringent regulatory policies, and the adjustment of the industry structure, enhance the transformation is imperative. Under such a policy situation and development trend of the industry, real estate developers have to look at the market with a forward-looking sense, should be aware of the importance of professional knowledge, only the scientific analysis method to clarify ideas, research strategies, looking for direction, save power, in the new environment in the development of their own, in order to gain a firm foothold in the fierce market competition, to achieve leapfrog development.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the process of the development of real estate enterprises, how to use marketing theory and analysis tool to develop enterprise strategic positioning project, achieve "policy and refers to the pros and cons of the plan", so as to realize the real estate development company to the project management plan is expected.
This paper selects the JL Real Estate Company G project as the research object, positioning theory, the dissertation, application of the theory of project positioning in the field of real estate, and the related analysis tools are described, the theoretical basis of the demonstration, and the real estate project positioning meaning, dimension and development process of the sort out and summarize the present situation of development; secondly there is G of JL company and the project's basic information and project positioning problems made a statement; thirdly, this paper through the analysis model of STP theory, the project in the current situation of regional industry and competitors are analyzed, at the same time on the JL G project of Real Estate Company comprehensive analysis using the SWOT analysis method; then, according to the actual environment of comprehensive analysis and G project, according to the project positioning of the three demands of optimizing conditions, value The maximum, shaping the competitive advantage, making the market for JL Real Estate Company G project products, customers, price and other aspects of the specific projects; finally, according to the conditions and measures to ensure the smooth implementation of enterprise project positioning the author put forward a proposal and come up with a feasible solution.



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