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发布时间:2018-01-13 03:02

  本文关键词:基于功能的房地产项目价值评价体系研究 出处:《浙江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产项目价值评价 房地产项目功能价值 AHP层次分析法 价值工程

【摘要】:随着国内房地产市场的发展,房地产项目的开发功能越来越被重视,但由于目前国内各房地产企业以及房地产咨询机构对于房地产项目的评价体系依旧停留在过多强调项目区位价值和营销价值的阶段,缺乏对项目自身功能价值的挖掘和研究,以致于评价体系跟不上房地产市场的发展节奏且往往存在短视行为。在目前这个房地产发展的阶段,迫切需要一个能够指引新时期房地产项目评价的理论体系。 因而,本文经过导师悉心指导,在作者对国内房地产市场发展及相关理论认知的基础上,基于对房地产功能价值的认识,通过对大量国内房地产项目的研究,结合国内现有较为代表性的房地产项目评价体系并引入具体的房地产项目做实证分析比较,从而建立了一个与时俱进的房地产项目价值评价体系。 本文创新的整合价值工程理论、区位价值论、房地产功能价值论等理论,将房地产项目从产品、品牌以及管理三大价值体系深入挖掘与研究,拟在挖掘房地产项目的核心价值点,从房地产项目开发的实体功能模块来研究项目价值,使该体系作为一种科学的、系统的、可操性强的辅助工具为房地产项目人员对项目的研判与产品定位服务。
[Abstract]:With the development of domestic real estate market, more and more attention has been paid to the development function of real estate projects. However, due to the current domestic real estate enterprises and real estate consulting agencies to the real estate project evaluation system is still in the excessive emphasis on the project location value and marketing value of the stage. Lack of research on the project's own functional value, so that the evaluation system can not keep up with the pace of development of the real estate market and often exist short-sighted behavior. In the current stage of real estate development. There is an urgent need for a theoretical system that can guide the evaluation of real estate projects in the new period. Therefore, this paper through the guidance of the tutor, on the basis of the author's understanding of the development of the domestic real estate market and related theories, based on the understanding of the functional value of real estate, through the study of a large number of domestic real estate projects. Combining with the existing representative real estate project evaluation system in China and introducing concrete real estate project to make empirical analysis and comparison, a value evaluation system of real estate project is established to advance with the times. This article innovates the integration value engineering theory, the location value theory, the real estate function value theory and so on, deeply excavates and studies the real estate project from the product, the brand and the management three value system. In order to excavate the core value point of real estate project and study the project value from the entity function module of real estate project development, make this system as a kind of scientific, systematic. Strong operational tools for real estate project personnel to identify the project and product positioning services.


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