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发布时间:2018-01-13 15:32

  本文关键词:支持保障性住房投融资建设的PPP模式研究 出处:《财政部财政科学研究所》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 保障房 PPP模式 投融资机制 政策建议

【摘要】:住房问题关系社会和谐,影响国计民生。近年来,我国房地产市场发展迅速,大大改善了人民的居住条件,推动了房地产业和国民经济的发展。然而,伴随着房价的不断上涨,部分城镇低收入职工、农村转移人口、新入职毕业生等群体面临着日益严重的住房难题。为了改善住房困难群众的住房条件,各级政府不断加大保障房的供给力度。国家“十二五”规划提出了至2015年完成3600万套保障房的任务。2013年,本届政府又提出在本届任期内改造各类棚户区(危旧房)1000万套以上的宏伟目标。然而,如此巨大的保障房任务给本不宽裕的地方财政带来了巨大的压力,资金难题是困扰保障房任务的最大障碍。 发达国家也曾经历过巨大的保障房建设压力。他们在保障房的发展过程中,非常注重吸引社会资本参与建设和运营,运用政府与社会资本合作模式(PPP)来改善住房困难群众的居住条件。PPP模式是通过政府与社会资本的合作,采取利益共享和风险共担的方法提供公共产品和服务的机制创新。这种模式引入了市场竞争,可以实现优势互补,提高公共产品和服务的供给效率和质量,在发达国家的城镇基础设施领域和住房、教育、医疗等公共服务领域都有着广泛的应用。 PPP模式不仅是一种融资模式,更是一种管理模式和国家治理体系的创新。本文尝试将PPP模式应用于我国保障房投融资建设领域,在理论层面和现实层面进行了论证,在充分借鉴发达国家的经验和加拿大三个不同类型的保障房PPP项目案例的基础上,提出了针对不同类型保障房的PPP模式。为了推动保障房PPP模式的持续健康发展,文章提出了财税政策、金融政策和土地政策三个方面的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Housing problem relates to social harmony and affects the national economy and people's livelihood. In recent years, the real estate market of our country has developed rapidly, which has greatly improved the living conditions of the people and promoted the development of the real estate industry and the national economy. With the rising of house prices, some urban low-income workers, rural migrant population, new graduates and other groups are facing increasingly serious housing problems. In order to improve the housing conditions of the people with housing difficulties. Governments at all levels continue to increase the supply of indemnificatory apartment. The "12th Five-Year Plan" proposed by 2015 to complete 36 million sets of indemnificatory apartment tasks. 2013. The government has also proposed a grand goal of renovating more than 10 million shanty towns (dilapidated houses) during this term. Such a huge indemnificatory apartment mission put a great deal of pressure on the local finances, and the funding problem was the biggest obstacle to indemnificatory apartment's mission. Developed countries have also experienced tremendous pressure on the construction of security housing. They pay great attention to attracting social capital to participate in the construction and operation in the process of the development of security housing. Using the cooperation model of government and social capital (PPP) to improve the living conditions of the people with housing difficulties. PPP model is through the cooperation between the government and social capital. The mechanism innovation of providing public goods and services by means of benefit-sharing and risk-sharing. This model introduces market competition, which can realize complementary advantages and improve the efficiency and quality of supply of public goods and services. In developed countries, urban infrastructure and housing, education, health care and other public services have been widely used. PPP model is not only a financing model, but also an innovation of management mode and national governance system. This paper attempts to apply the PPP model to the field of indemnificatory apartment investment and financing construction in China. In the theoretical and practical level of the argument, in the full reference to the experience of developed countries and Canada's three different types of indemnificatory apartment PPP project cases on the basis of. In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of indemnificatory apartment PPP model, this paper puts forward three policy suggestions: fiscal policy, financial policy and land policy.


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