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发布时间:2018-01-13 20:36

  本文关键词:房地产商标权与企业名称权的冲突研究 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 商标 企业名称 权利冲突

【摘要】:近年来,,随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,房地产业商标权与企业名称权冲突的案件越来越多。此类纠纷不仅侵害了相关权利人的合法权益,还扰乱了正常的经济秩序,造成了严重的社会后果,尤其对市场经济的有序发展造成了严重的影响。 文章首先阐述了房地产商标权与企业名称权的基本理论,再结合“重庆天骄”案件,具体分析相关制度,最后总结出解决此类冲突的有关对策。 文章的第一部分论述房地产商标和企业名称的相关概念,比较了房地产商标权和企业名称权二者的区别和联系,目的是为了更清晰的划分二者的边界,更明白的指出两者的交集和联系。 经过对权利本身的分析之后,文章开始讨论房地产商标权与企业名称权产生冲突的现状以及冲突的原因,并分别从内部原因和外部原因两个角度进行剖析。 在了解了冲突的原因之后,文章简单介绍了“重庆天骄”案件的情况,随后结合案件具体情况,着重分析了商标权与企业名称权冲突中的三个重要制度:“保护在先合法权利人利益”原则、混淆的认定、驰名商标的特殊保护。又分析了当前国外一些国家的发展现状,以助我国在制定商标权与企业名称权冲突解决机制时提供借鉴。 在文章的最后,作者提出了防范这种冲突的几点意见,全文结束。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of the socialist market economy, there are more and more cases of the conflict between the trademark right of the real estate industry and the right of the name of the enterprise. Such disputes not only infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the relevant right holders. It also disturbs the normal economic order and causes serious social consequences, especially to the orderly development of market economy. This paper first expounds the basic theory of real estate trademark right and enterprise name right, then, combining the case of "Chongqing Tianjiao", analyzes the relevant system, and finally summarizes the relevant countermeasures to solve this kind of conflict. The first part of the article discusses the related concepts of real estate trademark and enterprise name, and compares the difference and relation between real estate trademark right and enterprise name right, in order to divide the boundary of them more clearly. More clearly point out the intersection and connection of the two. After analyzing the rights themselves, the article begins to discuss the current situation of the conflicts between the real estate trademark rights and the enterprise name rights and the causes of the conflicts, and analyzes them from the internal and external reasons respectively. After understanding the causes of the conflict, the article briefly introduced the case of "Chongqing Tianjiao", and then combined with the specific circumstances of the case. This paper focuses on the analysis of three important systems in the conflict between trademark right and enterprise name right: the principle of "protecting the interests of prior legal right holders" and the confused identification. The special protection of well-known trademarks, and the analysis of the current development situation of some foreign countries, in order to help our country in the formulation of trademark rights and enterprise name rights conflict resolution mechanism to provide reference. At the end of the article, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to prevent this kind of conflict.


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