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发布时间:2018-01-14 04:10

  本文关键词:我国国有土地使用权拍卖法律制度创新研究 出处:《山西财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 国有土地使用权 拍卖 政府

【摘要】:近年来,国有土地有偿使用制度依据逐步走向成熟,我国各个地方政府勇于探索,摸索出了一条国有土地使用权有偿出让制度。其中,国有土地使用权拍卖是有偿出让制度之一,拍卖有利于实现充分、合理利用有限的土地资源。但近年来,由于我国房地产市场的不健康发展,使得国有土地使用权拍卖这样一种市场化的运作方式,受到了来自社会各界的批判。为了回应这种批判,发挥我国土地市场的宏观调控的作用。 论文首先历史地回顾了我国国有土地使用权出让的发展进程,阐述了我国国有土地使用权拍卖的历史沿革,介绍并且分析了我国国有土地使用权出让的若干方式。介绍了我国国有土地使用权拍卖制度建设的曲折性,对现存的相关的法律政策作出了一个历时性的回顾。 其次,是关于我国国有土地使用权的特征,以及在特定的历史时期,,我国国有土地使用权拍卖制度的必要性。同时还介绍了我国各地的实践,着重介绍了深圳土地交易市场和浙江省土地交易市场的实践运作情况。 再次,论文是关于拍卖出让国有土地使用权存在的问题,包括不符合拍卖法,政府职能错位;不适宜拍卖的土地进入扰乱土地市场;存在串谋行为等。分析指出现存法律的漏洞、地方政府“地方保护正义”;缺乏有效的社会监督机制。指出了造成了不利影响包括了国土资源的严重流失,直接妨碍了我国土地交易市场的健康发展,更不利于我国房地产市场的民生保障作用的发挥。 最后,论文的创新在于针对国有土地使用权拍卖的缺陷,提出了法律完善的建议。从宏观和微观两个层面提出了拍卖的制度创新。分别从宏观、微观和行业自律三个角度上,提出要了完善土地拍卖市场的法律制度建设,改革和建立土地储备制度;改革土地财政制度和地方考核机制。微观层面包括了不断创新土地拍卖方式与规则;逐步建立统一的土地交易制度;建立“勾地”制度;加强信息发布监督和管理;完善对土地拍卖环节的监控体系;完善法律监督机制和法律责任的追究。
[Abstract]:In recent years, on the basis of state-owned land system gradually mature, the local governments in China to explore, worked out a system of paid transfer of state-owned land use rights. Among them, the use right of state-owned land auction is one of the system of paid transfer, auction is conducive to the realization of full and rational use of limited land resources. But in recent years. Due to the healthy development of China's real estate market, the auction of state-owned land use rights in such a mode of operation of the market, has attracted criticism from all walks of life. In response to this criticism, play the macro-control of China's land market role.
This paper reviews the development process of transferring state-owned land use rights in China, elaborated on China's auction of state-owned land use right of the history, this paper introduces some ways of transferring state-owned land use rights in our country. The twists and turns of China's auction system construction of state-owned land use rights, made a a diachronic review of relevant laws and policies in existence.
Secondly, is the characteristics of China's state-owned land use rights, and in the specific historical period, the necessity of the use right of state-owned land auction system. It also introduces the practice in our country, focusing on the Shenzhen land market and land market in Zhejiang Province in practice.
Again, this is about the auction sale of state-owned land use right of the existing problems, including does not comply with the auction law, the dislocation of government functions; not suitable for auction of land to disturb the land market; the existence of collusive behavior. Analysis pointed out that the existing legal loopholes, the local government "protection of local justice"; the lack of effective social supervision mechanism is pointed out. The adverse effects include serious loss of land and resources, which directly hinders the healthy development of China's land market, the people's livelihood security role is not conducive to China's real estate market play.
Finally, the innovation of this paper lies in the defects of the auction of state-owned land use rights, put forward legislative proposals. The auction system innovation put forward from two macro and micro level. From the macro and micro perspective, three industry self-regulation, put forward to improve the legal system of the construction of the land auction market, reform and development land reserve system; reform of the financial system and the local assessment mechanism of land. The micro level includes the continuous innovation of land auction and rules; gradually establish a unified land transaction system; establish the "list" system; strengthen the information release supervision and management; improve the monitoring system of the land auction link; perfecting the legal supervision mechanism and legal responsibility accountability.



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