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发布时间:2018-01-14 04:21

  本文关键词:关于我国房地产泡沫的法律研究 出处:《河南师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 泡沫 法律完善

【摘要】:在中国人传统的思想里,住房是我们日常生活中重要的一部分,保障公民的居住权利,不仅有利于社会的稳定,还有利于经济的发展。我国自20世纪90年代末实施住房制度改革以来,已经有十多年的时间。我国的房地产业经过快速发展,已经成为我国经济发展的支柱性产业。商品房逐渐占据了市场的主体地位。房屋不只是生活资料还具有投资的价值。近几年来,虽然国家出台了很多调控政策,但房价还是一路飙升,百姓对高房价的不满情绪也日益高涨,关于我国房地产业泡沫的探讨已经成为学术界的热点。 本文分析了我国房地产发展的过程,根据不同年份房地产业发展的特点把我国的房地产业分为快速发展、稳定发展、泡沫严重三个阶段。通过对比美国、日本、泰国及中国香港的房地产泡沫,采用指标式的方法,,选用房价收入比、房屋租售比及地价增长率与GDP增长率的比值三个指标,论证了我国房地产业存在泡沫。分析了产生泡沫的主要原因在于宽松的货币环境造成的投资热情高涨,银行也放松银根,发放了大量的房地产企业贷款及个人住房贷款,导致房价大幅上涨,吸引了大量的投机者,国外热钱也大量涌入房地产业,导致房地产市场价格与价值相差甚远,房地产业泡沫严重。 房地产业是国家的经济支柱,一旦出现问题,后果将波及到社会各个方面。大量的中产阶级面临破产,个人房屋贷款违约率增高,由于房地产业的低迷,土地价格受到影响,银行的土地抵押价值缩水。社会贫富差距将进一步加大,大量社会财富蒸发,通货膨胀严重。除此之外,严重的房地产泡沫还会引起社会上烂尾楼增多,造成资源浪费。 对此,本文从法律角度的对这些问题提出解决办法,提出从土地出让、开发施工以及市场流通三个方面来加强法律监管。改变地方政府对于土地财政的依赖,通过征收房产税来增加政府收入,规范土地出让流程,立法土地出让程序。同时,严格对房地产开发企业的监管,严格审查房地产业开发企业的申请资格,完善准入机制,严格对房地产开发企业的贷款资金用处进行专项监督,限制工程抵押等。对于扩大国家保障房规模,完善保障房的申请制度。增加投机者持有房屋的成本,并且完善我国的住房公积金制度。从而建立起运行良好的房地产市场,使其真正成为国家经济的支柱产业。
[Abstract]:In the traditional Chinese thinking, housing is an important part of our daily life, the protection of citizens' right to live is not only conducive to social stability. China has been implementing housing system reform for more than ten years since the end of 1990s. China's real estate industry has undergone rapid development. Commercial housing has gradually occupied the main position of the market. Housing not only means of living but also has the value of investment. In recent years, although the state has issued a lot of regulatory policies. However, the price of real estate is still soaring, the people's discontent about the high house price is also rising day by day, the discussion about the real estate bubble of our country has become the hot spot of the academic circles. This paper analyzes the process of real estate development in China. According to the characteristics of real estate development in different years, the real estate industry in China is divided into three stages: rapid development, stable development and serious bubble. The real estate bubble in Japan, Thailand and Hong Kong, China, adopts the index method, chooses the price income ratio, the housing rental sale ratio and the ratio of the land price growth rate and the GDP growth rate. This paper demonstrates the existence of bubbles in China's real estate industry, and analyzes that the main reasons for the bubbles are the upsurge of investment enthusiasm caused by the loose monetary environment, and the relaxation of banks' monetary resources. Issued a large number of real estate loans and personal housing loans, resulting in a large rise in house prices, attracted a large number of speculators, foreign hot money also poured into the real estate industry. The real estate market price and the value difference is very far, the real estate industry bubble is serious. Real estate is the pillar of the national economy, once problems, the consequences will affect all aspects of society. A large number of middle class face bankruptcy, personal housing loan default rate increased, due to the downturn in the real estate industry. Land prices have been affected, the value of bank land mortgages has shrunk, the gap between the rich and the poor in society will widen further, a large amount of social wealth will evaporate, and inflation will be severe. The serious real estate bubble will also cause the society to increase the number of uncompleted buildings, resulting in a waste of resources. In view of this, this article from the legal point of view of these problems proposed solutions, from the land transfer, development and construction and market circulation to strengthen legal supervision and change the local government on land finance dependence. Through the collection of property tax to increase government revenue, standardize the land transfer process, legislation of land transfer procedures. At the same time, strict supervision of real estate development enterprises, strict examination of the real estate development enterprise application qualifications. Perfect access mechanism, strictly monitor the use of loan funds of real estate development enterprises, limit the project mortgage, etc. To expand the scale of national indemnificatory apartment. Improve indemnificatory apartment's application system, increase the cost of speculators to hold housing, and improve the housing provident fund system in China, so as to establish a well-functioning real estate market. Make it become the pillar industry of national economy really.


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