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发布时间:2018-01-14 04:31

  本文关键词:商品房买卖合同纠纷典型案例评析 出处:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商品房买卖 法律适用 房地产法 物权法

[Abstract]:With the further development of China's real estate market, the sale of commercial housing has become the focus of society, and in the process of real estate transactions in the disputes are more and more. Because of the real estate market related laws and regulations are not perfect, in the judicial practice in the application of the law have many confused and puzzled, to protect the interests of the parties to the transaction, the lack of unified referee scale, the same types of disputes will lead to different results in different places and different courts, and even make the opposite decision, causing judicial confusion. Based on the particularity of commercial housing construction and sales, the buyer between people and developers disputes often in the same room real estate project has the community characteristics, and the buyer will usually take the collective rights of way and developers to negotiate, bring great hidden trouble to the common social stability. Analysis of commercial housing disputes typical case, we will find that on the single single buyer between people and developers disputes, legal relationship may seem simple, but in fact behind the case usually involves many buyers and great interest, the buyer argued, developers must not be lost, between the two sides in the law the application on the full game. The game behind the refraction is China's lack of legal protection for the sale of commercial housing system legislation, there is an urgent need to strengthen and improve the real estate law as soon as possible to achieve in terms of legislation. The legislation on the basis of the current real estate law mainly from < < > > the constitution, civil law, land management law ">, < > City real estate management law and other related applicable laws and regulations, at the same time, the construction of legislation system of many regulations and local legislation are also involved in real estate law. The current real estate regulation and legislation system is Complex and hard to avoid conflicts and overlapping field, relatively strong administrative law color is attached to the orientation in legislation, thus making civil rights by the administrative power too much interference, the rights of property owners are also "logical" atrophic and the weakening of the real estate of our country. And the formation of real estate market and although because this is attached to the legislative system and legislative achievements of strong color management benefit, but in the background of China's real estate market is a socialist market economy system is being perfected gradually under standard, a large number of commercial housing and commercial buildings continue to emerge. Therefore, changes in the real estate law China will have to realize its function, and then from the original management function into the service function, which means the protection of property rights of the legitimate rights, equal pay adjustment The interest relationship between the business owners of Yi will lead to changes in the legislation, theoretical basis and guiding ideology of the real estate law, and this change is a full manifestation of the transitional nature of the existing real estate law.



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