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发布时间:2018-01-14 05:02

  本文关键词:西安曲江某项目前期策划研究 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产开发 项目策划 项目定位 营销策划

[Abstract]:In recent years, the rapid development of early planning of real estate projects, has become an extremely important link in the whole development of real estate activities, all activities are planning for the leading, planning services. Real estate planning is market-oriented, scientific, reasonable and standardized for all kinds of decision-making projects. In order to achieve the target profits of enterprises, can not do without scientific decision-making, therefore, early planning for real estate projects is essential, should be highly valued by developers. This paper is based on a project in Xi'an Qujiang. Combined with the theoretical basis of real estate project planning, it carries on the early planning research. The research content mainly includes the industry and the regional market environment analysis, based on the market analysis results. To its project positioning analysis, including: SWOT analysis, market positioning, product positioning, price positioning, image positioning; And according to the product and price positioning results, construction progress and other projects investment decision-making and financial analysis, further to formulate a scientific and reasonable decision-making scheme; Finally, on the basis of the feasibility of the research results, the marketing program is standardized to ensure that the project can be sold smoothly. Through the research of this paper, it provides theoretical support and practical guidance for the early planning of a project in Qujiang, Xi'an. The study has certain guidance and reference significance for the early stage planning of real estate development and management.


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