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发布时间:2018-01-14 05:29

  本文关键词:胜利油田利丰置业有限公司品牌策略研究 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 品牌建设 房地产市场 胜利油田利丰置业有限公司

【摘要】:随着我国房地产市场运行机制的不断完善,我国房地产行业也已渐渐走向了成熟与理智,且已经结束了暴利时代而开始进入以消费者为中心的买方市场。在日趋精明与理性的消费者面前,一些明智的开发商已充分意识到品牌建设是企业占领市场、提高市场占有份额的重要手段。 本文针对中小型房地产企业——胜利油田利丰置业的特点,注重理论与实践相结合的理念。首先运用查阅文献法,从国内外研究房地产品牌建设的理论入手,明确品牌及房地产品牌概念,及各学者对目前市场上房地产企业品牌建设问题的研究,结合有关品牌理论对胜利油田利丰置业有限公司现状进行了总结归纳,发现了利丰置业品牌建设方面存在有不能区别项目品牌及企业品牌、误把公司包装当作是公司品牌的塑造、品牌建设中缺乏科学的规划与管理、缺乏品牌个性、定位不清晰等问题,运用PEST分析、五力模型分析法和SWOT分析法对利丰置业公司综合环境进行分析研究,提出解决问题的方案,,指出公司的品牌建设策略应该是实施定位品牌个性,保证产品质量的基础上打造品牌品质,传播品牌理念,维护企业品牌。
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the operation mechanism of the real estate market in China, the real estate industry of our country has gradually moved towards maturity and reason. And has ended the era of profiteering and began to enter the consumer-centric buyer's market. In the increasingly smart and rational consumer, some wise developers have fully realized that brand building is the enterprise to occupy the market. An important means of increasing market share. This paper aims at the characteristics of small and medium-sized real estate enterprise-Shengli Oilfield Li & Fung property, pays attention to the idea of combining theory with practice. Firstly, using the method of consulting literature, it starts with the theory of real estate brand construction at home and abroad. Make clear the concept of brand and real estate brand, and scholars on the current market of real estate enterprise brand construction research, combined with the relevant brand theory of Shengli Oilfield Lifeng Real Estate Co., Ltd. Found that there is a difference between the brand of Li & Fung property brand and the brand of enterprise, mistaking the packaging of the company as the shaping of the brand, lack of scientific planning and management, lack of brand personality. The location is not clear, using PEST analysis, five-force model analysis and SWOT analysis to analyze the comprehensive environment of Li & Fung Real Estate Company, put forward a solution to the problem. It is pointed out that the strategy of brand construction should be to establish brand quality on the basis of product quality, to spread brand concept and to maintain enterprise brand.


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