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发布时间:2018-01-14 12:13

  本文关键词:某房地产项目风险管理研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产风险管理 风险识别 识别方法 应对措施

【摘要】:随着我国经济的不断飞速发展,房地产业已逐渐成为我国经济的重要产业,同时该行业也产生了很大的社会影响。对于开发商而言,房地产项目能否实现其经济和社会价值,是由其综合经营管理能力所决定的。在不断激烈的竞争环境下,房地产项目管理者必须提高的一项关键能力,就是风险管理和控制能力。 在房地产开发项目当中,目前存在着片面追求进度、质量,忽视开发过程中风险管理的现象。其主要原因之一是我国房地产市场化运作时间不长,房地产项目风险管理在我国建设领域是一个年轻,而且较为薄弱的环节。有些开发商、建筑承包商对房地产项目风险管理意识淡薄,风险管理方法及手段不能适应经济和社会发展的要求。 有鉴于此,本文在对国内外相关于房地产风险管理的研究方法、基本的风险识别办法、风险的应对手段等许多的先进的理论和方法的基础上,结合我国房地产行业的产业特征、房地产开发项目中风险因素的分类、识别方法等,针对涉及房地产开发的全过程方面的风险如财务风险、市场风险控制等进行深入研究,并以某房地产项目的案例,运用科学的方法、从投资立项等四个主要阶段,对项目在各阶段面临的主要风险因素进行了进行客观的分析,运用专家打分法等对某项目的主要、次要风险进行识别,对项目的主要阶段运用了层次分析法、盈亏平衡法等进行评价,并针对整个项目从前期到建设阶段,还包括销售、物业管理等环节所采取合理有效的控制风险的措施。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the real estate industry has become an important industry of China's economy, but also have a great social impact in the industry. For developers, real estate projects can achieve its economic and social value, is decided by the comprehensive management ability in the fierce competition. Under the environment, a key capability of real estate project management must be improved, is the ability of risk management and risk control.
In the real estate development project, at present there is a one-sided pursuit of progress, quality, risk management in the process of developing the neglect phenomenon. One of the main reasons is that the time of operation of China's real estate market is not long, the risk management of real estate projects in the construction field of China is a young, but relatively weak. Some developers the contractor, to the real estate project risk management consciousness, risk management methods and means can not adapt to the requirements of economic and social development.
In view of this, based on the domestic and foreign research methods on real estate risk management, risk identification method of basic, basic theories and methods of risk response measures such as many of the advanced, combined with industry characteristics of China's real estate industry, the classification of risk factors in real estate development project, identification method, involving the whole process of real estate development risks such as financial risk, the market risk control are studied deeply, and a real estate project case, the use of scientific methods, from the four main stages of the investment project, the main risk factors of the project are in various stages of objective analysis, using expert scoring the main method of a project, to identify secondary risk, the main phase of the project by AHP, evaluate the breakeven point method, and for the entire project from the early to the At the stage of construction, it also includes measures to control risk in such links as sales and property management.



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2 张明珠;房地产项目开发风险管理研究[D];天津大学;2004年

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4 王坤;建筑施工安全风险管理研究与实践[D];重庆大学;2007年

5 王延江;朝来房地产项目风险管理研究[D];西北大学;2008年

6 李作斌;基于案例研究的房地产风险分析[D];重庆大学;2008年

7 徐龙振;房地产项目风险管理研究与应用[D];天津大学;2008年

8 邹吉林;房地产项目风险管理[D];西南交通大学;2009年

9 郭华;房地产开发项目风险控制研究[D];江苏大学;2010年

10 张海霞;房地产项目投资风险研究[D];重庆交通大学;2010年




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