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发布时间:2018-01-15 01:18

  本文关键词:天津市土地市场研究 出处:《天津师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 天津市 土地交易 市场管理 招拍挂市场

【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,城市化进程较快,房地产市场迅速发展,房地产已成为现代社会普遍关注的问题,而土地越来越成为各大房产企业发展的重点。房地产行业的发展,带动了土地交易市场的繁荣。然而,目前我国土地市场发展还不够完善,尚存在诸多问题,众多因素影响了我国土地交易市场的发展,土地市场的有效规划才能促进我国经济社会的整体发展。本文是对天津市土地市场进行研究,从天津土地交易市场出发,具体分析天津市土地交易市场发展状况。 本文主要是从六个方面来进行研究,首先是对全文的总括,主要介绍了本文的研究背景、研究的主要内容、方法及研究思路与创新点;其次是介绍天津市土地交易市场发展历程及现状,主要分析了天津市土地招拍挂出让市场的发展以及土地交易的几个阶段;然后是对国内外土地交易市场管理现状研究及经验借鉴,将国内外关于土地交易市场的研究进行梳理,并对各国土地市场交易进行研究,有效借鉴各国土地交易市场经验;之后是土地交易市场理论,简单论述了土地供需理论、政府管理理论以及交易机制理论;对天津土地交易市场进行实证分析,主要从天津土地供应情况及交易情况两方面来分析;最后是提出完善土地交易市场的建议,根据天津市土地交易市场出现的问题,借鉴国内外土地交易市场经验,提出解决问题的策略。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the process of Rapid City, the rapid development of the real estate market, real estate has become a common concern in modern society, and the land has increasingly become the focus of the development of the real estate enterprises. The development of the real estate industry, driven by the land market prosperity. However, at present our country land the development of the market is still not perfect, there are still many problems, many factors affect the development of China's land market, land market effective planning to promote the overall economic and social development in China. This paper is to study the land of Tianjin City, starting from the Tianjin land market development situation, specific analysis of Tianjin city land transactions the market.
This paper mainly from six aspects, the first is the summary of the whole thesis, mainly introduces the research background, main research contents, methods and research ideas and innovations; secondly introduced the history and current situation of the land market development in Tianjin City, mainly analyzes the Tianjin land auction market the development and land transactions in several stages; and then to the domestic and foreign land market management research and experience, the domestic and foreign research on the land market to sort out and Study on national land market transactions, effectively draw national land market experience; after is the land market theory, briefly discusses the land supply and demand the theory, theory of government management theory and transaction mechanism; empirical analysis of Tianjin land market, mainly from the Tianjin land supply and trading The following two aspects are analyzed. Finally, suggestions for improving land transaction market are put forward. Based on the problems of land transaction market in Tianjin, and from the experience of land transaction market at home and abroad, the strategies for solving problems are put forward.



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