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发布时间:2018-01-15 14:19

  本文关键词:论情事变更原则在买卖合同中的适用 出处:《北京交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 情事变更原则 买卖合同 适用

【摘要】:情事变更原则作为现代合同法中的一项重要的基本原则,在西方国家中已经被纯熟而广泛的运用。由于2008年金融危机给国内企业带来了不可估量的影响,最高人民法院在2009年出台了《关于适用中华人民共和国合同法)若干问题的解释(二)》,其中确立了情事变更原则。情事变更原则是民法中的诚实信用原则和公平正义原则的具体化应用。 本文在前人研究的基础上,以《合同法解释(二)》第二十六条为实体法的依据,旨在通过对情事变更原则基础理论的阐述和相关的案例分析来对我国情事变更原则在买卖合同中的适用提出立法建议。 本文除引言和结论外,还包括以下四个部分: 第一章是情事变更原则的基础理论。本章阐述情事变更原则的含义及性质,概述国内外情事变更原则的学说,探讨情事变更的适用条件及法律效果和意义。 第二章介绍各国关于情事变更原则的立法现状。本章着重介绍大陆法系和英美法系关于情事变更原则的立法规定。通过比较各国的法律规定的异同,为我国情事变更原则的立法提供法律依据。 第三章探讨情事变更原则在买卖合同的适用。本章将结合案例分析价格变动以及合同标的引起的情事变更在动产买卖合同中的适用的相关情形。此外,还分析房地产政策调控以及行政行为引起的情事变更原则在不动产买卖合同中的适用。在此基础上,对情事变更原则的适用现状进行反思。 第四章对情事变更原则在买卖合同中的适用提出立法建议。本章详细阐述情事变更原则适用的主体、程序、后果以及法官自由裁量权的限制,为情事变更原则在我国具体适用提供立法建议。
[Abstract]:As an important basic principle in modern contract law, the principle of change of events has been well used in western countries. As a result of the financial crisis in 2008, it has brought incalculable influence to domestic enterprises. In 2009, the Supreme people's Court issued the interpretation of several issues concerning the Application of contract Law of the people's Republic of China (2). The principle of circumstance change is the concrete application of the principle of good faith and fairness and justice in civil law. On the basis of previous studies, this paper takes the interpretation of contract Law (2) > 26th as the basis of substantive law. The purpose of this paper is to put forward some legislative suggestions on the application of the principle of change of events in the contract of sale and purchase in China through the elaboration of the basic theory of the principle of circumstance change and the analysis of relevant cases. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper also includes the following four parts: The first chapter is the basic theory of the principle of circumstance change. This chapter expounds the meaning and nature of the principle of change of circumstances, summarizes the theory of the principle of change of circumstance at home and abroad, and probes into the applicable conditions, legal effect and significance of the principle of change of circumstance. The second chapter introduces the legislative status of various countries on the principle of change of events. This chapter focuses on the introduction of the civil law system and the common law system on the principle of change in the circumstances of the legislative provisions. By comparing the similarities and differences between the legal provisions of various countries. To provide the legal basis for the legislation of the principle of change of events in our country. Chapter three discusses the application of the principle of change of circumstance in the contract of sale and purchase. This chapter will analyze the relevant situation of price change and the change of circumstances caused by the change of contract subject matter in the contract of sale of movable property. This paper also analyzes the application of the real estate policy regulation and the principle of the change of events caused by administrative actions in the real estate purchase and sale contract. On the basis of this, the present situation of the application of the principle of the change of events is reconsidered. Chapter 4th puts forward legislative suggestions on the application of the principle of change of events in the contract of sale and purchase. This chapter elaborates the subject, procedure, consequences and the restriction of the discretion of the judge in the application of the principle of change of circumstance. To provide legislative advice for the specific application of the principle of circumstance change in China.


相关期刊论文 前5条

1 蒋玮;;浅析新形势下情势变更原则在合同法中的运用[J];法制与社会;2010年35期

2 马永双;合同法中的情事变更原则适用研究[J];河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版);1999年02期

3 李晓艳;;合同法上情事变更原则适用探讨[J];理论界;2009年05期

4 吴O途,




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