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发布时间:2018-01-15 14:19

  本文关键词:不同价格折扣幅度情景中购买限制对消费者购买意愿的影响 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 模糊性购买限制 明确性购买限制 促销 价格折扣 后悔

【摘要】:随着“过剩经济”的到来,我国大多数商品告别“短缺经济”时代,出现供过于求的格局,消费者享有比较充分的商品选择权,从而导致厂商普遍采用价格折扣的促销方式吸引顾客;另一方面通货膨胀伴随经济和收入增长,致使普通消费者对于价格变动的敏感度增强,通常对厂商的价格折扣促销行为趋之如骛,同时又因为限制购买,让消费者产生一种商品匮乏感,从而促使消费者顺从商家的意愿。价格折扣和限制购买组合促销行为,既能帮助消费者快速做出购买决策,又能造成消费者后悔和不满,影响价格折扣的促销效应和可持续性开展。因此研究不同价格折扣情景中购买限制对消费者购买意向的影响具有理论和实践价值。 目前,我国的消费购物环境突出一个“多而乱”,促销信息更是铺天盖地,把消费者搞得是眼花缭乱,不知道如何对这些信息进行筛选抉择,而价格折扣正是商家促销手段最为常用的一种,但价格折扣的呈现方式却是五花八门,有现金折扣、有百分比折扣等。有研究发现,即使降价幅度实际相同,但在不同的表述方式下,消费者感知的折扣幅度也是不同的。研究发现,在衡量一笔交易时,相比于同等得利,人们更加重视损失。除了价格折扣这样的促销手段,商家还经常使用这样的促销方式来吸引消费者。比如“清仓处理,最后XX件”“限时抢购”等,这些条件研究者通常称之为购买限制(Restrictions),但从来没有研究者对购买限制做一个清晰的界定和分类,作者根据以往国内外相关预将购买限制分为模糊性购买限制和明确性购买限制两类。商家之所以乐此不疲的使用这样的促销方式,除了考虑本身潜在的效应外,更主要是的因为其成本很低。商家在运用这些促销手段的时候不需要遵守承诺,如果市场反应良好,那就继续供货,反之就找借口提前结束促销活动。其实,我们可以发现商家的促销方式往往是复合式的呈现,并不是某一单一促销方式来进行的,比如说,限时X折出售,值得思考的是,吸引消费者做出购买行为的是限时给予消费者时间上压力这种明确性购买限制影响还是价格折扣给予消费者价格优惠影响抑或是两者共同影响?再比如,房地产行业经常打出这样的标语“4000元起,数量有限,欲购从速”那么此时吸引消费做出购买行为的是价格折扣的让利行为影响还是担心房子卖完给予消费者的压力这种模糊性限制影响抑或是两者共同的作用呢?消费者对它们的认知是怎样的?模糊性购买限制和明确性购买限制谁在促销活动中更占据优势?对于不同的产品,在同一价格折扣幅度下,模糊性购买限制和明确性购买限制又是如何影响消费者行为的?这些都是本文研究的核心问题。对此本来也提出了一下几种假设: H1:相比于没有购买限制,购买限制(明确性和模糊性)的存在会使受测对象对于同一价格折扣幅度(高和合理)的产品产生更强的预期不行动后悔 H2:在高程度的折扣幅度时,相比于明确性购买限制,模糊性购买限制的 存在使消费者产生更强的预期不行动后悔 H3:在合理程度的折扣幅度时,相比于模糊性购买限制,明确性购买限制的存在使消费者产生更强的预期不行动后悔 H4:预期不行动后悔与购买意愿呈显著的正相关关系 为了证实以上四种假设,本研究采用情景模拟实验法与问卷发放相结合的研究发放,得出所需数据,并对数据进行信度和效度检验,验证后数据可以进行相关的研究分析。本研究将两种不同商品(高价商品VS低价商品)置于2*3种情景中进行实验,最终得出以下的结论: 1.相比于没有购买限制条件的存在,购买限制(明确性和模糊性)的存在会使受测对象对于同一价格折扣幅度(高和合理)的产品产生更强的预期不行动后悔和购买意愿。2.在高程度的价格折扣情景中,相比于明确性购买限制,模糊性购买限制的存在使受测对象产生更强的预期不行动后悔和购买意愿。3.在合理折扣幅度情景中,对于低价商品而言,相比于模糊性购买限制,明确性购买限制的存在并没有产生更强的预期不行动后悔,而对于高价商品而言,相比于模糊性购买限制,明确性购买限制的存在产生更强的预期不行动后悔和购买意愿。4.预期不行动后悔和购买意愿是呈显著的正相关关系的。本文的研究结论揭示了不同的购买限制存在于不同的情景中对消费者影响的机制,这对于企业制定促销活动采取何种方式有一定的借鉴价值和指导作用。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the "surplus economy", most of the commodities in China bid farewell to the "shortage economy" era, the emergence of pile up in excess of requirement have the right to choose the consumer pattern, full of goods, leading manufacturers generally use price discount promotions to attract customers; on the other hand, inflation is accompanied by economic and income growth, resulting in consumers for sensitivity enhancement of price changes, usually on the manufacturer's price discount promotion behavior trend such as greedy, but also because of restrictions on the purchase of goods, so that consumers have a sense of lack, so as to encourage consumers to obey merchant's wishes. The price discount and limit the purchase of promotional activities, which can help consumers make purchase decisions, but also can cause consumers to regret the effect of promotion effect and dissatisfaction, price discount and sustainable development. So the research situation of different price discount in purchase limit cancellation The influence of the buyer's purchase intention is of theoretical and practical value.
At present, our country's consumer shopping environment highlight a "much chaos" promotional information is overwhelming, the consumer to be dazzling, do not know how to filter the information on these choices, and the price discount is the business promotion means one of the most commonly used, but the price discount is the presentation of all kinds of there is a cash discount, discount percentage. Studies have found that even if the price cut is essentially the same, but in a different way, the consumer perception of the discount rate is different. The study found that, in terms of a deal, compared to the same benefit, people pay more attention to the loss. In addition to the price discount such promotions businesses, also often use such promotions to attract consumers. For example, "XX finally on sale," "flash sale", these researchers are usually referred to as purchase restrictions (Restrict Ions), but the researchers have never made a clear definition and classification of the purchase limit, the author will purchase limit is divided into fuzzy purchase restrictions and clear purchase restrictions on two categories according to the previous domestic and foreign related businesses are keen at pre. Using such promotions, in addition to consider potential effects, more important it is because of its low cost. Businesses do not need to comply with the commitments when using these promotions, if the market response is good, it will continue to supply, and look for the excuse ahead of the end of promotional activities. In fact, we can find the business promotion way is often combined, and not a single promotion way of, for example, show the X off sale, it is worth pondering, to attract consumers to make purchases is to give consumers the time limit on the pressure of the definition also influence the purchase restrictions Is the price discount to give price concessions or influence consumers both of them influence? For example, the real estate industry often played the slogan "4000 yuan, limited to purchase as soon as possible," then attract consumer to make purchases is none behavior price discount or worry about the house sold to give consumers the pressure of this kind of fuzzy restriction effect or both? On consumer perceptions of them is what kind of? Fuzzy purchase restrictions and clear purchase limit who in the sales promotion occupies a larger advantage? For different products in the same price discount, fuzzy purchase restrictions and clear purchase limit is how to influence consumer behavior? These are the core of this paper. This was also put forward several hypothesis:
H1: compared with no purchase restriction, the existence of purchase restriction (clarity and vagueness) will make the subjects have stronger expectation and no action regret for the products with the same price discount rate (high and reasonable).
H2: at a high degree of discount, a fuzzy purchase limit is compared to a definite purchase limit.
Existence makes consumers more likely to expect no action to regret
H3: at a reasonable level of discount, the existence of a definite purchase limit makes the consumer more likely to regret than the fuzzy purchase limit.
H4: there is a significant positive correlation between the expectation of no action regret and the willingness to purchase
In order to confirm the above four hypotheses, this study uses situational simulation experiment method and questionnaire research combined with the issuance, obtained the required data, and test the reliability and validity of the data, the relevant research and analysis of data can be verified. This study will be two different commodities (high-value goods low-priced goods in experimental VS) the 2*3 scenario, finally draws the following conclusions:
1. compared to no purchase restrictions, the purchase restrictions (definition and fuzziness) causes the object to be measured for the same price discount rate (and reasonable) products is not expected to produce stronger action regret and willingness to buy.2. in a high degree of price discount situation, compared to the clear buy limit, vague purchase restrictions make the subjects have stronger expected action regret and willingness to buy.3. in a reasonable discount scenario, for low prices, compared to the fuzzy buy limit, clear purchase limit does not produce stronger action is not expected to regret, and for expensive goods compared to the fuzzy, buy limit, clear the purchase restrictions the existence of stronger action is not expected to regret and willingness to buy.4. is not expected to regret and purchase intention is significantly positively correlated The conclusion of this paper reveals the mechanism of different purchase restrictions on consumers in different scenarios, which has certain reference value and guidance for enterprises to formulate ways to promote sales activities.



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