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发布时间:2018-01-15 22:04

  本文关键词:武汉主城区养老地产的市场需求分析与开发对策研究 出处:《湖北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 武汉主城区 人口老龄化 养老地产 市场需求 开发对策

【摘要】:武汉市已处于人口老龄化快速发展期,武汉迈入人口老龄化城市行列的20年来,老年人口呈逐年递增态势。截至目前,武汉市60岁以上的老年人总数比20年前翻了近一番。武汉于1993年跨入人口老龄化城市行列,当年全市60岁及以上老年人口为71万人,占到总人口的10%。而到2012年底,全市60岁及以上老年人口已达到137万人。预计到2015年,武汉市老年人口将达到160万,占总人口数的17.6%。武汉市人口老龄化的加剧使得养老地产的需求越来越大,为缓解日益严峻的养老需求问题,养老地产呼之欲出,房地产行业将迎来重要的发展机遇与挑战。 本文从武汉主城区养老地产的市场需求出发,采用参与式研究,收集定性资料,对国内外典型的养老地产开发的案例以及普遍特点进行资料收集并对其进行分析。试图解决两个问题:一,通过问卷调查反映目前武汉老年人的居住现状及居住需求。二,借鉴国内外成熟的养老地产开发经验并结合武汉养老地产开发的实际情况,提出适应武汉市养老地产开发的对策。 研究结果表明:老年人的年龄、教育程度、职业和收入水平决定了不同的老年人对养老地产有着不同的消费需求。武汉市老年人在文化消遣和娱乐消遣方面有着较为明显的需求,其中汉口片区的老年人更加偏向于棋牌室、游泳馆、球类运动场等纯娱乐型休闲场所;而汉阳和武昌片区的老年人多倾向于如歌舞剧院、艺术馆、戏院等文化、艺术类的休闲场所。收入水平高,经济条件较好的老年人更加注重养老地产的品质和服务。老年人注重养老地产的规划设计、环境质量、功能配套。养老地产首先要考虑老年人的生理、心理需求,老年人居住建筑及户外活动场所全面实施无障碍设计,引进智能化的管理系统。 针对研究结果,本文提出相应的解决对策:政策上,政府要发挥主导作用且要形成有效文件,完善社会保障体系;资金上,要寻求盈利模式与融资模式的创新,降低资金沉淀,拓展融资渠道;在养老地产产品供给上,要提供配套齐全,功能完善,多样化的产品;管理上,引进专业的养老地产管理团队,注重后期物业管理与服务。
[Abstract]:Wuhan has been in the period of rapid development of aging population, Wuhan has entered the ranks of aging city in the past 20 years, the elderly population is increasing year by year. Up to now. The total number of elderly people over 60 years old in Wuhan is nearly double that of 20 years ago. Wuhan entered the ranks of aging city in 1993, when the number of elderly people aged 60 and above was 710,000. By end of 2012, the number of the elderly aged 60 and above had reached 1.37 million. It is estimated that by 2015, the elderly population of Wuhan will reach 1.6 million. The aging of the population in Wuhan makes the demand for old-age real estate more and more large. In order to alleviate the increasingly severe problem of pension demand pension real estate is ready to emerge. Real estate industry will usher in important development opportunities and challenges. Starting from the market demand of the old-age real estate in the main urban area of Wuhan, this paper adopts participatory research to collect qualitative data. This paper collects and analyzes the typical cases and general characteristics of endowment real estate development at home and abroad. It tries to solve two problems: first. Through the questionnaire survey to reflect the current living situation and living needs of the elderly in Wuhan. Second, draw lessons from the mature domestic and foreign pension real estate development experience and combined with the actual situation of Wuhan endowment real estate development. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to suit the development of endowment real estate in Wuhan. The results show that: the age of the elderly, education level. Occupation and income level determine that different elderly people have different consumption demand for old-age real estate. The elderly in Wuhan have more obvious needs in cultural recreation and entertainment. Hankou area of the elderly more inclined to chess and card room, swimming pool, ball games field and other purely recreational places; The old people in Hanyang and Wuchang areas tend to have a high level of income, such as singing and dancing theatres, art galleries, theatres, and other cultural and artistic leisure places. The old people with better economic conditions pay more attention to the quality and service of the old-age real estate. The elderly pay attention to the planning and design of the old-age real estate, environmental quality, function matching. The aging real estate should first consider the physiology of the elderly. Psychological needs, the elderly residential buildings and outdoor activities to fully implement barrier-free design, the introduction of intelligent management system. According to the research results, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures: on the policy, the government should play a leading role and form an effective document to improve the social security system; On the capital, we should seek the innovation of profit model and financing mode, reduce the deposit of funds and expand the financing channel; In the endowment real estate product supply, must provide the complete set, the function perfect, the diversification product; Management, the introduction of professional pension real estate management team, pay attention to late property management and services.


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