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发布时间:2018-01-15 21:10

  本文关键词:农行商品房开发项目贷款贷前调查阶段的风险防范研究 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商品房开发 项目贷款 贷前调查 风险防范

【摘要】:2010年以来,中央政府采取多种手段和措施,通过多轮的宏观调控手段促进了房价合理回归,促进房地产市场的健康发展。调控后,房地产市场进入明显的下调周期,从严的行业政策加速了房地产的市场变化。国内外经济的不确定性因素,也给房地产市场的发展带来了一些变数和不确定性。在当前的宏观政策和经济环境下,对商业银行的商品房项目贷款的风险防范的研究具有十分重要的现实意义。 本文包含四个部分:第一部分为绪论,对本文研究的背景及意义,内容及思路进行阐述。第二部分首先从概念上对中国农业银行(以下简称“农行”)商品房项目贷款进行界定并描述其作用,然后分析了我国商品房市场的运行现状和发展趋势,接着从调查的内容和调查的要点两个方面对农行现行的商品房项目贷款贷前调查方式进行了述评,最后分析了项目贷款的风险和贷前调查工作的关联性。第三部分分析了农行商品房开发项目贷款面临的主要风险以及风险形成的原因。第四部分则以农行实际运作的贷款项目的贷前调查为例提出了商品房开发项目贷款风险防范的贷前调查对策。 通过分析,发现农行商品房开发项目贷款信贷资金的安全性会面临借款人经营风险、宏观政策及市场风险、资金监管风险、抵押物处置风险、政府不端行为的风险以及自然风险等风险因素的威胁,上述风险因素的出现有可能是基于内部原因,也有可能是外部原因,既有贷前调查不全面的原因,也有贷款发放中的因素,甚至还有贷后管理不到位的问题。本文从农行商品房开发项目贷款运作的实例着手,从贷前调查的角度提出了针对上述六种风险因素防范的对策,并给出了具体的贷前调查建议。
[Abstract]:Since 2010, the central government adopted various means and measures, through several rounds of macro-control means to promote the prices reasonable return, and promote the healthy development of the real estate market. The real estate market regulation, enter the downward cycle, accelerated the changes in the real estate market with the industry policy. The domestic and foreign economic uncertainties. It also brings some variables and uncertainties for the development of the real estate market. In the current macroeconomic policy and economic environment, it is of great significance to research on risk prevention of commercial bank real estate project loans.
This paper consists of four parts: the first part is the introduction, background and significance of this study, content and ideas in this paper. The second part first from the concept of Chinese Agricultural Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "bank") commercial housing project loans to define and describe its role, then analyzes the status and development trend in China the real estate market, then from the two aspects of content and investigation of the current commercial housing project on the bank loan before the survey were reviewed, finally analyzes the relevance of the project loan risk and the loan before the survey work. The third part analyzes the Agricultural Bank of China real estate development projects and the main risk loans the reasons for the formation of risk. The fourth part is to the actual operation of the bank loan project loan before the survey as an example of the proposed real estate development project risk prevention of loan loan before the survey measures.
Through the analysis, the safety of credit funds of bank loans in real estate development projects will face the operation risk, policy risk and market risk, capital risk supervision, the disposal of collateral risk, natural risk and risk factors of government misconduct threats, the risk factors are likely to be based on the internal reasons, there are are the external causes, is investigating the cause of not complete before the loan, there are factors of loans, and even the problem of management is not in place after the loan. The loan from the bank to real estate development projects for the operation, from the investigation before loan puts forward countermeasures for the above six kinds of risk prevention and, given the loan before the survey recommendations.



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