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发布时间:2018-01-16 04:12

  本文关键词:VK房地产公司网络传播案例研究 出处:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 房地产广告 网络传播

【摘要】:“据CNNIC统计截至2012年12月底,我国网民规模达5.64亿,全年共计新增网民5090万人,互联网普及率为42.1%。截至2012年12月底,我国微博用户规模为3.09亿,其中手机微博用户规模达到2.02亿,即高达65.6%的微博用户使用手机终端访问微博。 截至2012年12月底,受访中小企业中,利用互联网开展营销推广营销活动的比例为23.0%。在各类营销推广渠道中,互联网早已超越报纸、杂志等传统平面媒体,同时又以多元化的展现形式、相对较低的推广门槛和可评估的推广效果等优势,超越电视、电台等立体媒体,成为我国中小企业进行营销推广的首选渠道。进一步调研发现,在各种网络营销方式中,中小企业倾向选择电商平台推广、搜索引擎营销、即时聊天工具营销、网站展示广告、邮件营销等较为成熟的网络营销方式,其它较为新兴的网络营销方式,比如微博营销、论坛/BBS、SNS、视频营销、团购等也在一定程度上受到中小企业的青睐。 根据易观智库Enfodesk产业数据库发布研究显示,2012年度网络广告达731亿元,其中房地产行业新房品牌网络广告市场规模达41.77亿元,占总体规模的5.7%。同比2011年,投放费用增长161.06%。房地产网络广告费用的迅速增长表明网络广告已成为房地产企业营销策划推广的重要途径,网络广告也越来越受到房地产企业的认同和青睐。 从目前的文献研究情况来看,房地产网络广告的研究大部分集中在理论层面的宏大叙事上,即只是将网络广告的一般特性直接嫁接于房地产的行业中,未能将房地产自身的客户群体特征、房地产市场特点以及房地产营销推广的特殊性,也未能结合网络广告在现实中的应用案例来进行分析。为此,将网络广告结合地产行业广告传播的实际情况,尤其是在对微观环境下的网络广告应用现状的深入分析基础之上,总结归纳房地产网络广告的优劣势,提出具有实际操作指导意义的房地产网络广告应用策划和建议,成为该领域的一个重要研究方向。,,1 本文基于房地产企业营销策划的视角,首先明确网络传播的相关理论,从理论层面分析传播与网络传播的定义、基本原理及传播特性。通过分析全国最知名房地产公司在行业特殊环境下,制定网络传播的策略、实施过程、实施效果及实施后存在的问题等进行全面阐述,最后得出房地产公司在网络传播对策上的建议,希望能够对相关的产业起到促进和引导作用。
[Abstract]:"according to CNNIC statistics, by the end of December 2012, the number of Internet users in our country has reached 564 million, with a total of 50.9 million new netizens in the whole year. The Internet penetration rate is 42.1%. By the end of December 2012, the number of Weibo users in China was 309 million, among which the number of mobile phone Weibo users reached 202 million. That is, up to 65.6% Weibo users use mobile terminals to access Weibo. As of the end of December 2012, the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises interviewed using the Internet to carry out marketing and marketing activities is 23.0. in all kinds of marketing and promotion channels, the Internet has already surpassed newspapers. Magazines and other traditional print media, but at the same time with a variety of display forms, relatively low barriers to promotion and evaluation of the advantages of the promotion effect, such as television, radio and other stereo media. To become the first choice of marketing channels for SMEs in China. Further research found that in all kinds of network marketing, SMEs tend to choose e-commerce platform promotion, search engine marketing, instant messaging tool marketing. Website display advertising, email marketing and other more mature online marketing, other more emerging network marketing methods, such as micro-blog marketing, forum / BBSSsnS, video marketing. Group buying and so on are also favored by small and medium-sized enterprises to a certain extent. According to research released by Enfodesk, a think-tank, online advertising reached 73.1 billion yuan in 2012. Real estate industry brand online advertising market scale of four billion one hundred and seventy-seven million yuan, accounting for the overall scale of 5.710. Compared with 2011. The rapid growth of real estate online advertising costs shows that online advertising has become an important way of marketing planning and promotion of real estate enterprises. The network advertisement also receives the real estate enterprise's approval and the favor more and more. From the current literature research, the study of real estate online advertising mostly focuses on the theoretical level of the grand narrative, that is, only the general characteristics of online advertising directly grafted in the real estate industry. It fails to analyze the characteristics of the real estate customer group, the characteristics of the real estate market and the particularity of the real estate marketing promotion, as well as the application cases of the network advertisement in reality. Combining the real estate advertising with the real estate advertising, especially on the basis of in-depth analysis of the current situation of the application of online advertising under the micro environment, summed up the advantages and disadvantages of the real estate network advertising. Put forward the real estate network advertisement application plan and suggestion which has the practical operation instruction significance, becomes an important research direction in this field. This article based on the real estate enterprise marketing planning perspective, first of all clear network communication theory, from the theoretical level analysis of the definition of communication and network communication. Through the analysis of the most famous real estate companies in the industry in the special environment, the formulation of network communication strategy, implementation process, implementation results and problems after the implementation of the comprehensive elaboration. Finally, the suggestions of real estate companies in the network communication strategy, hoping to play a role in promoting and guiding the relevant industries.


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1 薛丹;LNLD公司沈阳市住宅地产目标市场营销方案的设计[D];吉林大学;2016年




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