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发布时间:2018-01-16 04:27

  本文关键词:山东省房地产业关联行业与波及效应分析 出处:《北京交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产业 产业关联度 投入产出 感应力 感应度

【摘要】:摘要:房地产业是我国国民经济发展的基础产业和支柱性产业,对于扩内需、保增长、惠民生等具有重大推动作用。在我国,房地产业的发展对国民经济增长的贡献相当突出。同时房地产行业也是与国民经济高度关联的产业,其产业链长、关联效应大,对上、下游行业影响大。 山东半岛蓝色经济区发展规划已上升国家级战略,构建海洋产业体系是建设蓝色经济区的核心任务。研究山东省房地产业的产业关联度、对经济总量的影响,明确房地产业在国民经济中的地位和作用,就能正确引导房地产业健康发展,促进房地产业与关联产业协调发展。 本文以投入产出模型为理论基础,通过2007年山东省42部门投入产出表研究房地产业与其他产业的前向、后向、环向关联效应,分析各产业与房地产的关联程度;以感应力、分配感应度为基础研究山东省房地产业对经济的拉动及带动作用。进而对山东省房地产业的关联产业类型进行分类,从产业关联的角度分析山东省房地产业发展中存在的问题,并提出房地产业发展的目标模式及实现路径:其一,优化房地产业,促进产业自身升级;其二,优化房地产业与相关产业的结构,保证产业链的顺畅,以增强房地产业对相关产业的带动效应,促进房地产业与其相关产业的协调发展和保障国民经济的健康运行。
[Abstract]:Abstract: real estate industry is the basic industry and pillar industry in the development of our national economy, which plays an important role in expanding domestic demand, maintaining growth and benefiting the people. At the same time, the real estate industry is also highly related to the national economy, its industrial chain is long, the correlation effect is large, and the impact on the upstream and downstream industries is great. Shandong Peninsula blue economic zone development planning has risen to the national strategy, the construction of marine industry system is the core task of building the blue economic zone. By clarifying the position and function of real estate industry in national economy, we can correctly guide the healthy development of real estate industry and promote the coordinated development of real estate industry and related industry. Based on the input-output model, this paper studies the forward, backward and circumferential correlation effects between real estate and other industries through the input-output table of 42 departments in Shandong Province in 2007. Analyze the correlation degree between each industry and real estate; On the basis of inductive force and distribution inductance, this paper studies the pulling and driving effect of Shandong real estate industry on economy, and then classifies the related industry types of Shandong real estate industry. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the development of the real estate industry in Shandong Province from the angle of industrial connection, and puts forward the target mode and realization path of the development of the real estate industry: first, optimize the real estate industry and promote the upgrading of the industry itself; Second, optimize the structure of the real estate industry and related industries, ensure the smooth industrial chain, in order to enhance the real estate industry on the driving effect of related industries. To promote the coordinated development of the real estate industry and its related industries and to ensure the healthy operation of the national economy.


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