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发布时间:2018-01-16 07:23

  本文关键词:昆明市闲置土地处置政府评估 出处:《云南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 昆明市 闲置土地 公共政策评估

【摘要】:当前,我国正处于工业化、城市化快速发展过程,土地供需矛盾凸显。对闲置土地的清理和处置也成为各级政府的当务之急。从国土资源部1999年颁布《闲置土地处置办法》以来,各地方政府也结合实际情况出台了本地区的闲置土地处置政策,国内学者也针对闲置土地成因、认定、预防与监管等各方面进行了研究和探讨,但是针对从公共政策视野下,对闲置土地处置政策的评估却是缺乏的。 本文对昆明市闲置土地处置情况进行充分调研的基础上,运用公共政策分析理论,构建了对政策的评估系统,通过从昆明市闲置土地处置政策目标的实效论证、相关利益者满意度调查评估分析以及对政策环境的影响三个维度对政策实施后的效果进行了评估。综合分析评估结果表明:昆明市闲置土地处置政策是适应全市土地管理市场、房地产调控市场营运而生的,政策的出台有效的清理和处置了全市的闲置土地,促进了耕地保护目标的实现,在一定程度上遏制了闲置土地的膨胀,有利于土地集约节约用地管理模式的形成。但是政策从条款本身、执行过程等方面仍存在不适应政策环境发展的地方,需要进一步调整和改变。 依据评估结果,认真分析了政策存在的问题并剖析了问题产生的根源,并结合当前新昆明建设的形势,对昆明市闲置土地处置政策从制定、执行、监管等方面提出了建议:一是建立健全民众参与政策制定、执行、评估、监管等一些列的机制;二是增强部门之间的联动与合作,加强政策执行力;三是政府提高依法行政的科学性,强化政策体系制定与执行的协调性;四是加快完善建设用地动态监测系统;五是加强制度设计,积极修订完善《昆明市闲置土地处置办法》;六是完善土地收购储备制度、完善土地税收体系、深化城市土地供应市场改革等相关的配套措施。
[Abstract]:At present, China is in the process of industrialization and rapid development of urbanization. The contradiction between supply and demand of land highlights. The cleaning and disposal of idle land has also become an urgent matter for governments at all levels. Since the Ministry of Land and Resources promulgated "measures for disposal of idle land" on 1999. According to the actual situation, the local government has also issued the policy of idle land disposal in this area, and domestic scholars have also studied and discussed the causes of idle land, such as prevention and supervision and so on. However, from the perspective of public policy, the evaluation of idle land disposal policy is lacking. Based on the full investigation of the disposal of idle land in Kunming, this paper constructs an evaluation system of the policy using the theory of public policy analysis. Through from Kunming idle land disposal policy objective effectiveness demonstration. The evaluation and analysis of stakeholder satisfaction survey and the impact on the policy environment are made to evaluate the effect of the policy implementation. The comprehensive analysis and evaluation results show that:. Kunming idle land disposal policy is adapted to the whole city land management market. Real estate regulation market operation, the introduction of policies to effectively clean up and dispose of idle land in the city, promote the realization of cultivated land protection objectives, to a certain extent, to curb the expansion of idle land. It is beneficial to the formation of land intensive land management mode, but there are still some problems in the policy environment, such as the terms themselves and the implementation process, which need to be further adjusted and changed. According to the evaluation results, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the policy and analyzes the root causes of the problems. Combined with the current situation of the construction of new Kunming, the policy on disposal of idle land in Kunming is formulated and implemented. Some suggestions are put forward in the aspects of supervision: first, to establish and improve the mechanism of populace participation in policy making, implementation, evaluation, supervision and so on; The second is to strengthen the linkage and cooperation between the departments and strengthen the implementation of policies; Third, the government should improve the scientific nature of administration according to law and strengthen the coordination between the formulation and implementation of the policy system; Fourth, to speed up the improvement of the dynamic monitoring system of construction land; Fifth, strengthen the system design and actively revise and improve the measures for disposal of idle land in Kunming; Sixth, perfect the land purchase and reserve system, perfect the land tax system and deepen the reform of the urban land supply market.


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