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发布时间:2018-01-16 17:38

  本文关键词:A房地产信托项目财务风险控制研究 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产信托 财务风险 风险控制

【摘要】:自2010年以来,我国房地产信托实现了大规模的增长,为房地产行业注入了新的活力,对银行贷款形成了有力的补充。房地产信托业务规模迅速增长的态势促使信托公司关注信托业务的风险,不断提高风险管理水平。在房地产信托项目运作过程中,信托公司需要对项目风险进行全方位地、系统地考查及分析。在房地产信托业务面临的风险中,财务风险是最综合、最直观的风险,同时也是信托公司关注的重点。项目财务风险高低及如何对其进行处置是评判项目质量的重要标志。本文以房地产信托项目的财务风险为切入点,,对A房地产信托项目财务风险的表现与来源进行分析,列举信托公司为控制项目财务风险所采取的措施,最后综合风险及控制措施提出建议,由此总结出可促进我国房地产信托健康发展的一些启示。 本文主要采用案例分析法对房地产信托财务风险控制进行研究。在分析A房地产信托项目的案例时,首先对房地产信托交易结构、资金运动、回购方式等进行说明,然后概括了该房地产信托项目财务风险的表现,并结合宏观经济政策和行业发展趋势分析了风险来源。在探究房地产信托财务风险控制措施时采取了演绎法。通过对财务风险表现、成因进行分析后,对信托公司采取的针对以上财务风险的控制措施进行了展示。最终本文针对该信托项目财务风险及信托公司采取的风险控制措施提出了优化建议。 房地产信托对房地产行业的发展起到了积极地促进作用,但过快的发展速度也使得房地产信托面临着来自市场、监管等诸多方面的挑战。文章的最后针对房地产信托项目面临的一些共性的问题提出了使信托公司良性发展的一些思路。信托公司要在遵守相关规范的基础上转变经营思路,发挥资产管理的优势,加强自身风险控制,使房地产信托能够健康发展,真正成为信托公司的利润增长点,为整个资产管理市场注入活力。
[Abstract]:Since 2010, China's real estate trust has achieved a large-scale growth, the real estate industry has injected new vitality. The rapid growth of real estate trust business causes the trust company to pay attention to the risk of trust business. Constantly improve the level of risk management. In the real estate trust project operation process, trust companies need to conduct a comprehensive, systematic examination and analysis of project risks. In the real estate trust business facing the risks. Financial risk is the most comprehensive and intuitive risk. At the same time, it is also the focus of the trust company. The financial risk of the project and how to deal with it is an important indicator to judge the quality of the project. This paper takes the financial risk of the real estate trust project as the starting point. This paper analyzes the performance and source of financial risk of A real estate trust project, enumerates the measures taken by the trust company to control the financial risk of the project, and finally puts forward some suggestions for comprehensive risk and control measures. From this summary can promote our country real estate trust healthy development some enlightenment. This paper mainly uses the case analysis method to study the financial risk control of real estate trust. When analyzing the case of A real estate trust project, first of all, the transaction structure of real estate trust, fund movement. The repurchase method and so on are explained, and then the performance of the financial risk of the real estate trust project is summarized. And combined with macroeconomic policies and industry development trends to analyze the sources of risk. In the study of real estate trust financial risk control measures adopted a deductive method. Through the performance of financial risk, the causes of analysis. Finally, this paper puts forward some optimization suggestions for the financial risk of the trust project and the risk control measures taken by the trust company. The real estate trust has played a positive role in promoting the development of the real estate industry, but the rapid development of the real estate trust also makes the real estate trust face from the market. Finally, aiming at some common problems faced by real estate trust projects, some ideas for the benign development of trust companies are put forward. The trust companies should abide by the relevant rules and regulations. Change of business thinking. Exerting the advantage of asset management, strengthening the risk control, making the real estate trust develop healthily, and becoming the profit growth point of the trust company, infusing vitality into the whole asset management market.


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3 李和兴;企业信托融资风险度量[D];暨南大学;2015年

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