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发布时间:2018-01-16 20:06

  本文关键词:安徽省高速公路建设与区域经济发展研究 出处:《安徽农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高速公路 区域经济 安徽省 作用 可持续发展

【摘要】:高速公路作为一种交通运输基础设施,是加强区域之间联系沟通的脉络桥梁。高速公路的飞速发展带动了沿线区域的经济发展,对区域经济的影响已经引起了人们的高度重视。 文章在综述国内外相关研究进展和相关理论的基础上,通过对安徽省高速公路建设与区域经济发展现状及其互动关系的分析,具体阐述了安徽省高速公路建设对区域经济发展和主要相关行业的影响,从资源节约、风险调控等方面提出相应的对策建议,对实现高速公路与区域经济协调可持续发展具有参考价值。 文章采用了文献检索法,调查研究法,,实证分析法和比较分析法等方法,对安徽省高速公路通车里程及区域经济发展的多项指标(1991-2011年)做了大量数据统计与分析。分析结果主要有:(1)高速公路建设与区域经济发展的互动关系:一方面,高速公路改变了道路运输的地位和功能,提高了运输速度,降低了运输成本,改善了交通安全,加速了运输一体化进程;促进沿线地区产业调整,刺激沿线土地增值,加快房地产开发;改善投资环境,促进外向型经济发展;对区域经济产生聚集效应与扩散效应的作用。另一方面,区域经济的发展刺激了高速公路建设的需求,也客观的制约了其发展。(2)高速公路建设对安徽省区域经济发展的影响:拉动了安徽省经济总量快速增长,促进全省产业结构优化升级,推动了安徽省与发达经济区域以及安徽省内区域间的经济合作,促进了全省区域资源开发增值。(3)安徽省高速公路的建设对主要相关行业(工业、旅游服务业、交通运输业)的发展起到了关键的推动作用。 通过对数据综合分析结果的思考与总结可知,安徽省高速公路建设,有力地促进了全省经济的持续发展和社会各项事业的不断进步,要实现高速公路建设与区域经济协调可持续发展应从几个方面入手:(1)根据综合运输体系的发展要求,建设适应新形势下经济社会发展要求的高速公路行业;(2)深化投融资管理体制改革,促进高速公路资产管理的可持续发展性;(3)提高高速公路运营管理水平,建立完善高速公路经营管理的动态监管机制;(4)建设资源节约、环境友好的高速公路行业;(5)推动交通科技进步,通过科技创新,提升行业可持续发展能力;(6)建立高速公路行业风险调控及预警机制;(7)完善高速公路安全管理机制,建立应急管理体系。
[Abstract]:Expressway, as a kind of transportation infrastructure, is a bridge to strengthen the connection and communication between regions. The rapid development of expressway has driven the economic development of the areas along the route. The influence to the regional economy has already aroused people's high attention. On the basis of summarizing the research progress and related theories at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the current situation and interactive relationship between highway construction and regional economic development in Anhui Province. This paper specifically expounds the impact of highway construction on regional economic development and major related industries in Anhui Province, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of resource saving, risk regulation and control, etc. It has reference value for realizing the coordinated and sustainable development of expressway and regional economy. This paper adopts the methods of literature retrieval, investigation, empirical analysis and comparative analysis. This paper makes a lot of data statistics and analysis on several indexes of expressway opening mileage and regional economic development in Anhui Province from 1991 to 2011. The main results of the analysis are as follows: 1). The interactive relationship between highway construction and regional economic development: on the one hand. Expressway has changed the position and function of road transportation, increased the speed of transportation, reduced the transportation cost, improved the traffic safety and accelerated the process of transportation integration. Promote the industrial adjustment along the line, stimulate the land value along the line, accelerate the development of real estate; To improve the investment environment and promote the development of export-oriented economy; On the other hand, the development of regional economy stimulates the demand of highway construction. The impact of highway construction on the regional economic development of Anhui Province is also objectively restricted: the rapid growth of the total economic volume of Anhui Province and the promotion of the optimization and upgrading of the province's industrial structure. It promotes the economic cooperation between Anhui Province and the developed economic regions as well as between the regions within Anhui Province, and promotes the regional resource development and value-added of the province.) the construction of highway in Anhui Province is related to the main industries (industry). The development of tourism service industry and transportation industry has played a key role in promoting the development. Through the comprehensive analysis of the results of reflection and summary of data, we can see that the highway construction in Anhui Province, has promoted the sustainable development of the province's economy and the continuous progress of various social undertakings. In order to realize the coordinated sustainable development of expressway construction and regional economy, we should start with several aspects according to the development requirements of integrated transportation system. To build the expressway industry to meet the needs of economic and social development under the new situation; (2) deepening the reform of investment and financing management system to promote the sustainable development of expressway asset management; 3) improving the level of expressway operation and management, establishing and perfecting the dynamic supervision mechanism of expressway operation and management; Construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly expressway industry; (5) to promote scientific and technological progress in transportation, and to promote the sustainable development of the industry through scientific and technological innovation; (6) establishing the risk control and early warning mechanism of expressway industry; Improve highway safety management mechanism and establish emergency management system.


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