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发布时间:2018-01-17 17:32

  本文关键词:神农养身城商业房地产项目营销推广策略研究 出处:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 神农养生城项目 商业房地产 营销策略

【摘要】:近些年来,二、三线城市正在大张旗鼓地大兴土木,城市建设和地产开发方兴未艾。许多一线城市的开发商为了抓住商机抢占内地消费市场,陆续在内地开发了一些大型城市综合体项目,但是在营销推广过程中出现了人流量稀少、商铺出租率低及住宅空置率高等问题。本文基于此,以神农养生城商业房地产项目作为例,对其营销推广策略进行了研究。 本文的研究内容包括以下几个方面: 首先,本文从宏观环境、商业环境及竞争环境三个角度对本项目所处的营销环境进行了分析。并在此基础上进行了市场调研和项目的SWOT分析,了解了市场需求和本项目的内外部优劣势以及面临的机遇与威胁,为本项目营销推广策略的制定打下了基础。 其次,运用了STP理论制定了该项目的营销战略。通过对市场的细分和选择,最终确定了本项目的主要客户群体。通过对项目的市场定位最终确定了本项目的产品、业态和档次。 最后,基于本项目的市场定位和此次市场调查分析的结果制定了相应的市场营销推广策略,包括总体营销策略、招商策略、传播策略以及销售促进策略。 本文所做的研究,不仅对于奥园地产集团开辟内地二、三线城市商业房地产市场及开展有效的营销推广活动的具有现实的指导意义。而且对于在遭遇国家严酷的调控,整体经济形势严峻的背景下的中国商业房地产企业拓展内地商业房地产市场具有一定的参考价值。图22幅,表22个,参考文献70篇。
[Abstract]:In recent years, second-tier and third-tier cities are making a big splash, with urban construction and real estate development in the ascendant. Developers in many first-tier cities are seizing the mainland consumer market in order to seize business opportunities. A number of large-scale urban complex projects have been developed in the hinterland, but in the process of marketing and promotion, there are some problems, such as low flow of people, low occupancy rate of shops and high vacancy rate of residential buildings, etc. This paper based on this. Taking the commercial real estate project of Shennong Yangsheng City as an example, the marketing promotion strategy of Shennong Yangsheng City is studied. The research content of this paper includes the following aspects: First of all, this paper analyzes the marketing environment of the project from the macro environment, business environment and competitive environment. And on this basis, the market research and SWOT analysis of the project are carried out. Understanding the market demand, the internal and external advantages and disadvantages of the project, as well as the opportunities and threats faced by the project, laid the foundation for the formulation of the marketing promotion strategy of the project. Secondly, using the STP theory to formulate the marketing strategy of the project. Through the segmentation and selection of the market. Finally, the main customer groups of the project are determined. Through the market positioning of the project, the products, business forms and grades of the project are finally determined. Finally, based on the market positioning of the project and the results of the market investigation and analysis, the corresponding marketing promotion strategies are formulated, including the overall marketing strategy, the investment strategy, the communication strategy and the sales promotion strategy. The research done in this paper is not only for the Aoyuan Real Estate Group to open up the mainland two. The commercial real estate market of the third tier city and the effective marketing promotion activity have the realistic guiding significance. Moreover, it is very important to meet the harsh regulation and control of the country. Under the background of severe economic situation, it is of certain reference value for Chinese commercial real estate enterprises to develop the mainland commercial real estate market.


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