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发布时间:2018-01-17 19:19

  本文关键词:“一房二卖”在先买受人损失赔偿研究 出处:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 一房二卖 恶意违约 违约损害赔偿 可预见性规则

【摘要】:随着我国商品房和二手房市场的快速发展,商品房开发商、房地产中介、二手房出卖人为了获得巨额利益,不惜恶意违约,使一房二卖三卖甚至多卖的现象层出不穷,且呈愈演愈烈之势。关于“一房二卖”合同纠纷中违约方如何承担损失赔偿责任,赔偿损失的范围是什么,特别是房屋差价损失如何赔偿,我国现有的法律规定悉留空白。因为出卖人“一房二卖”的违约行为使得在先买受人不得不另寻房源,而现今中国房价增长太快,在先买受人很可能必须支付更多的价款才能买到相似的房屋。 但目前我国法院在审判实践中并不支持房价差额的损失赔偿,而大多采用双倍返还房款的方式。这导致出卖人违约的收益远大于赔偿的数额,有诱发违约的风险。据此,笔者建议立法机关将房价差额损失纳入可预见的范围内,这是基于打击投机违约和实现赔偿损失功能的目的。 本文主要分为四个部分。前两部分从我国“一房二卖”合同纠纷典型案例的司法判决入手,解释说明了现阶段“一房二卖”违约的多发原因及在先买受人在违约损失赔偿中所面临的困境有哪些。第三四部分介绍了法国和英国的可预见性规则的立法选择,然后就如何完善我国的可预见性规则在“一房二卖”合同纠纷中的适用提出完善建议: 第一,从出卖人“一房二卖”的动机来看,其故意违约行为是为了以更高的价格出售房屋,对于房屋价格存在上涨的情况,显然明确知晓。从赔偿损失的功能来看,赔偿损失旨在填补损失,,使守约方回复到如同契约被履行的情况,房屋买受人要回复到这种状况,必须支付更高的价款购买相似的房屋,所以赔偿房屋差价合法合理。 第二,房产出卖人在将房屋卖给第三人即违约之时,对于当时房价的预见是确定可能的,因此以违约时而不是订约时作为确定预见程度的标准更为公平合理。 第三,如果当事人在房屋买卖合同中约定了赔偿数额,那么基于合同自由和私法自治的原则,法院应当遵从当事人的合意。如果没有约定,应当由专业的房产价格评估机构对该争议房产价格进行评估,或比照市场上各方面条件类似房屋的成交价格来评定差价。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of commercial housing and second-hand housing market, commercial housing developers, real estate agents, second-hand housing sellers in order to obtain a huge amount of benefits, at the expense of malicious breach of contract. The phenomenon of "one house, two selling, three selling or even selling more than one house" appears endlessly, and it is becoming more and more intense. What is the scope of compensation for the loss in the contract dispute of "one house and two selling"? how to bear the liability of the defaulting party in the contract of "one house and two selling". In particular, how to compensate for the loss of housing difference, the existing legal provisions of our country leave a blank. Because the seller "one house and two sales" breach of contract, buyers had to find another source of housing in advance. Now that Chinese house prices are growing too fast, buyers are likely to have to pay more to buy similar homes. But at present the court in our country does not support the loss compensation of the difference of house price in the trial practice, but mostly adopts the way of returning the house by double, which leads to the seller defaulting on the profit far larger than the amount of compensation. On the basis of this, the author suggests that the legislature should bring the loss of house price difference into the foreseeable range, which is based on the purpose of cracking down on speculative breach of contract and realizing the function of compensation for losses. This paper is divided into four parts. The first two parts start with the judicial decision of the typical case of "one house and two selling" contract dispute in our country. The explanation illustrates the "one room and two sale" at this stage. What are the causes of default and what are the predicaments that buyers are facing in compensation for breach of contract? part 34th introduces the legislative options of the predictability rules in France and the United Kingdom. Then it puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the application of the predictability rule in the contract dispute of "one house and two selling". First, from the seller's motivation of "one house and two sales", its intentional breach of contract is to sell the house at a higher price, and there is a rise in the housing price. It is clear that... From the function of compensation loss, the purpose of compensation loss is to make up for the loss, so that the compliance party can return to the situation where the contract has been fulfilled, and the buyer of the house should return to this situation. Must pay a higher price for similar houses, so the housing price difference is legal and reasonable. Second, when the real estate seller sells the house to a third party, it is possible to foresee the house price at that time. It is therefore more fair and reasonable to determine the degree of foresight by default rather than at the time of contracting. Thirdly, if the parties agree on the amount of compensation in the house sale contract, then based on the principles of freedom of contract and autonomy of private law, the court should comply with the agreement of the parties. The price difference shall be assessed by a professional real estate price appraisal agency or by reference to the transaction price of similar houses in various aspects of the market.


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1 侯国跃;;论不动产预告登记——以我国《物权法》第20条为中心[J];河北法学;2011年02期

2 马新彦;一物二卖的救济与防范[J];法学研究;2005年02期




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