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发布时间:2018-01-19 04:38

  本文关键词: 养老服务 养老地产 项目运营 市场定位 出处:《华东理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At present, China is facing an increasingly serious problem of aging. On the one hand, the aging population is growing rapidly, the problem of how to provide for the aged has become increasingly prominent, and the demand of the pension industry is exuberant; On the other hand, the aging customer pension way is single, the pension industry customer market segmentation is not enough, the pension products for high-end customers are lacking. Now, set leisure, entertainment. Pension in the high-end real estate pension gradually received state support and development, but pension real estate in the domestic research is relatively small, in the implementation of the project encountered a lot of problems. In view of this. This paper takes X Company's pension real estate project as an example to carry on market investigation from the market orientation of the project, from the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities through drawing lessons from the relevant experience of foreign pension real estate. Threats to the four major aspects of the pension real estate project analysis to achieve the location of the pension real estate project, and according to the specific characteristics of the project, to provide suggestions for the project operation strategy. Build specific service sectors and carry out investment estimates.


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