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发布时间:2018-01-19 12:26

  本文关键词: 城市资本存量 永续盘存法 房地产价格 回归分析 格兰杰因果关系检验 出处:《华东师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:相关统计数据显示,自我国取消福利分房、进入真正的房地产市场化阶段以来,房地产销售面积和销售金额不断翻倍,尤其以一线城市更为突出。从2004年起政府多次通过市场手段和行政手段,对我国房地产业进行政策性调控,同时分析影响房价变动因素也成为学术界的研究热点。目前这方面的研究成果主要集中在宏观经济、人民生活水平、信贷、利率、货币供应量、土地价格、预期等方面对房价的影响程度,而尚未有学者从城市资本存量的角度研究其与房价变动的相关性。 城市资本存量是近年来兴起的新研究热点,它反映了一个城市历年的资本投入经过折旧扣除之后的总和。因此城市资本存量既非当年投资情况的简单体现,也不是历年投资额的简单加总。同时房地产价格也不是简单的对当年投资数额的反映,而是人们历年投入于这块土地的资本之和,房地产价格实质上有很大一部分是积聚在此块土地上的资本存量的体现。因此,相较于以往在投资与房价相关性方面的研究文献,本文具有更优的合理性和创新性。 本文首先对城市资本存量和房地产价格影响因素的相关研究进行回顾和梳理,阐释国内外学者在相关领域内已形成的研究成果。再从马克思级差地租理论切入,提出城市资本存量对房地产价格的影响路径。接下来利用永续盘存法对上海市城市资本存量进行估算,并将估算结果与上海市房地产价格进行相关性分析。在上文理论描述和实证分析的基础上,最后提出本文的研究结论和政策建议。
[Abstract]:Relevant statistics show that since the abolition of welfare housing division into the real estate market stage, real estate sales area and sales volume has been doubling. Since 2004, the government has carried on the policy control to our country real estate industry many times through the market means and the administrative means. At the same time, the analysis of the factors affecting the change of house prices has become a hot topic in academia. At present, the research results mainly focus on the macroeconomic, people's living standards, credit, interest rates, money supply, land prices. The degree of influence of expectation on house price has not been studied by some scholars from the perspective of urban capital stock. Urban capital stock is a new research hotspot in recent years, which reflects the sum of the capital input of a city after depreciation and deduction. Therefore, the urban capital stock is not a simple reflection of the investment situation in that year. Nor is it a simple sum of investment over the years. At the same time, real estate prices are not simply a reflection of the amount invested in that year, but the sum of the capital that people have invested in this land over the years. The real estate price is essentially a reflection of the capital stock accumulated on this land. Therefore, compared with the previous research literature on the correlation between investment and house prices. This paper has better rationality and innovation. Firstly, this paper reviews and combs the related research on the influencing factors of urban capital stock and real estate price. Explain the domestic and foreign scholars in the relevant fields of research results, and then from the Marx differential rent theory cut into. The paper puts forward the influence path of urban capital stock on real estate price. Then it estimates the urban capital stock in Shanghai by the method of sustainable inventory. Based on the theoretical description and empirical analysis above, the paper puts forward the conclusions and policy recommendations of this paper.


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