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发布时间:2018-01-19 13:23

  本文关键词: 平衡计分卡 战略管理 X衣柜企业 业绩评价 出处:《安徽农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:定制化整体衣柜从二十一世纪初进入中国,经历了十几年的高速发展期,到今日,消费者需求日渐增强,普通的衣柜已经无法满足装修的需要,定制化时代到来。建材市场跟房地产市场息息相关,房地产市场的崛起也为定制衣柜提供了发展的契机。面对这样的发展机遇,X家居有限公司2003年进入中国,2011年上市,成为X家居股份有限公司,也成为了中国第一家上市的衣柜公司。他的发展顺应了大的潮流与局势,也成功地使自己成为衣柜行业的龙头老大。虽然X品牌衣柜在衣柜行业的地位不可撼动,但是随着公司战略的转变,公司业务力图从衣柜发展为集衣柜、鞋柜、橱柜等多项业务于一体的企业。公司的这些策略为公司带来新的发展机遇。战略评价是战略管理的环节之一。战略管理是企业经营的重要管理模块,在企业的发展过程中具有举足轻重的作用。X衣柜公司制定了其自身战略管理策略,并在公司中贯彻实施。本文通过平衡计分卡,对X衣柜公司的战略实施进行业绩评价,通过各种指标来评价公司战略实施的财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个方面,来评价整个战略实施的好坏。通过对X衣柜公司战略地图的绘制,找出衡量X衣柜公司战略经营的财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个方面的关键因素,并选出相应的KPI指标。对于选定的指标,通过层次分析法进行权重分析。先通过德尔菲法请专家对指标进行打分,将打分的平均值进行运算和处理,借助Expert Choice软件,对数据进行分析。通过一致性检验,可以相对得出数据的科学性。然后,计算得出KPI指标相应的系数。在对X衣柜公司进行战略评价的过程中,通过对X衣柜公司的公司层、部门层、员工层进行调研,得到各指标相应的现有值与目标值。通过比重法对各指标数值进行无量纲处理,使得指标值变得易于计算与比较。通过无量纲处理的评价值,以及相应的指标权重,可以得出各指标数值与权重之积的和。通过这个结果进行比较与评价公司层、部门层、员工层三个层面战略实施的好坏。通过对比较的结果进行分析,可以提出相应x衣柜公司在战略实施过程中的对策与建议。第一,加强客户服务,提高市场占有率;第二,建立从领导到员工的服务意识:第三,加速员工培养,吸纳专业人才;第四,规范加盟商管理,统筹全公司发展。通过对这几个策略进行实施,可以更好得促进X企业的有序发展。
[Abstract]:Custom-made overall wardrobe entered China at the beginning of 21th century, experienced a period of more than ten years of high-speed development, to today, consumer demand is increasing, ordinary wardrobe has been unable to meet the needs of decoration. The building materials market is closely related to the real estate market, and the rise of the real estate market also provides an opportunity for the development of custom wardrobe. X Home Co., Ltd. entered China in 2003, listed on 2011, became X Home Co., Ltd. and the first wardrobe company in China. His development followed the trend and situation. Although X brand wardrobe in the wardrobe industry position can not shake, but with the transformation of the company's strategy, the company's business from wardrobe to wardrobe, shoes cabinet. Cabinet and other business in one of the enterprises. These strategies for the company to bring new development opportunities. Strategic evaluation is one of the links of strategic management. Strategic management is an important management module of enterprise management. X wardrobe company has formulated its own strategic management strategy, and implemented in the company. This paper through the balanced scorecard. X wardrobe company strategy implementation performance evaluation, through a variety of indicators to evaluate the company's strategy implementation of the financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth four aspects. To evaluate the implementation of the whole strategy. Through the drawing of the strategic map of the X wardrobe company, find out the key factors to measure the financial, customer, internal process, learning and growth of the strategic management of the X wardrobe company. And select the corresponding KPI indicators. For the selected indicators, the Analytic hierarchy process is used to analyze the weights. First, experts are asked to score the indicators by Delphi method, and the average value of the scoring is calculated and processed. With the help of Expert Choice software, the data are analyzed. Through the consistency test, we can get the scientific nature of the data. Then. Calculate the corresponding coefficient of KPI index. In the process of strategic evaluation of X wardrobe company, through the company layer, department level, staff level of X wardrobe company to carry on the investigation. The corresponding existing values and target values of each index are obtained. The dimensionless treatment of each index value is carried out by the specific gravity method, which makes the index value easy to calculate and compare, and the evaluation value through dimensionless processing. As well as the corresponding index weight, we can get the sum of the product of each index value and weight. Through this result, we can compare and evaluate the company level, department level. Through the analysis of the comparative results, we can put forward the corresponding X wardrobe company in the strategy implementation process of countermeasures and suggestions. First, strengthen customer service. Increase market share; Second, establish the service consciousness from leadership to staff: third, accelerate staff training and absorb professional talents; In 4th, regulating the management of franchisees and coordinating the development of the whole company. Through the implementation of these strategies, we can better promote the orderly development of X enterprise.


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