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发布时间:2018-01-19 23:31

  本文关键词: 非效率投资 金融机构商业贷款总额 贷款利率 土地供应量 出处:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自我国房地产体制改革以来,房地产业发展飞快,对拉动经济增长发挥着重要作用,如何提高房地产宏观调控水平也成为全民关注的热点。本文验证了我国房地产上市企业的非效率投资程度,及金融机构贷款总额、贷款利率和土地供应量对房地产上市企业非效率投资行为的具体影响。 本文对以往相关研究进行了总结和分析,结合相关经济理论和现实情况,提出研究假设。以2003年-2012年我国房地产上市企业年度数据为样本,金融机构贷款总额、贷款利率和土地供应量作为解释变量,通过Richardson(2006)模型,采用面板数据,首先检验了房地产上市企业非效率投资行为的存在性,对回归结果进行了描述性统计和分析,接着验证了非效率投资水平与自由现金流的相关性,然后验证了金融机构贷款总额、贷款利率和土地供应量对房地产上市企业非效率投资行为的整体影响,并按照产权性质对样本进行分组回归,最后按照规模对样本进一步进行分组回归。本文通过实证研究得出以下结论:(1)我国房地产上市企业存在过度投资行为,也存在投资不足问题,整体上表现为投资不足,且过度投资、投资不足程度与自由现金流量分别显著正相关、负相关;(2)从整体上看,商业贷款总额、贷款利率和土地供应量对房地产上市企业的过度投资行为影响不显著,但对投资不足行为能产生有效的调控作用,而且商业贷款总额的影响效应最大,贷款利率次之,,土地供应量的影响最小;(3)金融机构贷款总额、贷款利率和土地供应量对非国有房地产企业投资不足行为的影响更加有效,但对国有房地产企业、非国有房地产企业的过度投资均不产生显著影响;(4)金融机构贷款总额、贷款利率和土地供应量对中小型房地产企业投资不足行为影响显著,尤其是中小型非国有房地产企业,对大型国有房地产企业投资不足影响不显著,对大型非国有房地产企业投资不足仅土地供应量显著相关;仅金融机构贷款总额、贷款利率对大型非国有房地产企业的过度投资行为影响显著。
[Abstract]:Since the reform of China's real estate system, the real estate industry has developed rapidly, which plays an important role in stimulating economic growth. How to improve the level of macro-control of real estate has become the focus of national attention. This paper verifies the degree of inefficient investment of listed real estate enterprises and the total amount of loans from financial institutions. The concrete influence of loan interest rate and land supply on non-efficient investment behavior of real estate listed enterprises. This paper summarizes and analyzes the previous relevant studies, combining with the relevant economic theory and reality, puts forward the research hypothesis. Based on the annual data of Chinese real estate listed enterprises from 2003 to 2012 as a sample. Financial institutions total loans, loan interest rates and land supply as explanatory variables, through Richardson 2006) model, using panel data. First, the existence of inefficient investment behavior of listed real estate enterprises is tested, and the regression results are described and analyzed. Then, the correlation between the level of non-efficient investment and free cash flow is verified. Then it verifies the overall influence of the total loan amount, loan interest rate and land supply on the non-efficient investment behavior of real estate listed enterprises, and regress the sample according to the property right nature. Finally, according to the size of the sample for further grouping regression. Through empirical research, this paper draws the following conclusions: 1) China's real estate listed enterprises have excessive investment behavior, but also exist the problem of underinvestment. On the whole, the underinvestment and over-investment, the degree of underinvestment and free cash flow were significantly positive correlation, negative correlation; (2) on the whole, the total amount of commercial loans, loan interest rate and land supply have no significant influence on the overinvestment behavior of listed real estate enterprises, but they can effectively control the underinvestment behavior. And the effect of the total amount of commercial loan is the biggest, the interest rate of loan is the second, and the influence of land supply is the least. (3) the total loan amount of financial institutions, loan interest rate and land supply have more effective effects on the underinvestment behavior of non-state-owned real estate enterprises, but they are more effective to state-owned real estate enterprises. The overinvestment of non-state-owned real estate enterprises has no significant impact; (4) the total loan amount of financial institutions, loan interest rate and land supply have a significant impact on the underinvestment behavior of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises, especially the small and medium-sized non-state-owned real estate enterprises. The effect of insufficient investment on large state-owned real estate enterprises is not significant, but the lack of investment in large non-state-owned real estate enterprises is significantly related to the supply of land. Only the total loan amount of financial institutions, the loan interest rate has a significant impact on the overinvestment behavior of large non-state-owned real estate enterprises.


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