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发布时间:2018-01-20 07:13

  本文关键词: 生态景观价值 房价 可拓思想 特征价格法 无锡 出处:《江南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在经济、社会、文化不断快速发展,以及近些年来各种生态问题接连出现的时代背景下,人们对与生态相关各种问题的研究开始感兴趣,本文以满足人的生态需求为基础来讨论生态景观的内在价值。由于价值是针对人类而言的,只有人类对某种资源有需求,谈论该资源的价值才是有意义的,那么生态景观价值的意义就在于人对生态景观产生了需要,并且为满足这种生态景观需要具有相应足够的支付能力。 首先,本文从概念上解释了生态景观、生态景观价值及其转移,厘清了各个不同概念之间的差别,并明确了本文中使用的生态景观价值概念是指能给人带来美好感受的地理生态景观。本文首次利用XY双因素理论从定性角度来解释了人们满足生态需要的内在动力及演变为推进生态景观的消费需求的过程,详细分析了生态景观需求是如何作为保健因素和激励因素对人的生态相关行为产生影响,并且将可拓思想和特征价格法两种思想结合起来,为从定量角度定量解释生态景观价值做了充分理论准备。 其次,文章全面分析了无锡市生态景观现状、经济社会发展状态、在环境事业上的投资以及无锡市居民收入情况,为生态景观价值在无锡房地产交易中得到转移做铺垫。一方面经济实力雄厚的无锡在生态景观建设上大力投资,另一方面,无锡市民相关需求不断增强,这促使着生态景观房在无锡的发展。尤其是太湖蓝藻事件爆发后,更加引起了人们对环境的关注,更加刺激了人的生态需求满足欲。生态景观的内在价值在住宅市场上类似奢侈品消费,这就相应要求一定的经济实力来支付这些生态需求。无锡市经济增长较快,并且注重园林公共绿地的投资和建设。正是因为有了足够的经济实力和相应的消费需求,才使本文的研究具有现实意义。 最后,文章详细介绍了无锡市房价样本的选取、数据的量化以及模型的构建,并且分析了模型计算结果,从实证角度定量地分析了太湖生态景观对无锡市房价的影响以及蠡湖生态景观对周边住宅房价的影响。在样本选取过程中,,主要通过新浪乐居网和安居客网等专业房地产交易数据网进行数据的收集工作。然后将收集到的样本数据经过不同方法进行量化,对于公交线路数、到蠡湖的距离、住宅建筑面积和绿化率可以直接使用搜集到的客观数据进行计量,而教育配套设施和生活配套设施则是通过分等级量化获得的数据。通过拟合结果分析,分别解释了整体角度上太湖生态景观对你无锡市房价的负影响以及蠡湖生态景观对周边住宅房价的正影响。
[Abstract]:Under the background of the rapid development of economy, society and culture, and the emergence of various ecological problems in recent years, people began to be interested in the study of various issues related to ecology. This paper discusses the intrinsic value of ecological landscape on the basis of meeting the ecological needs of human beings. Because the value is for human beings, only human beings have a need for a certain resource, it is meaningful to talk about the value of that resource. The significance of ecological landscape value is that people need ecological landscape and have sufficient ability to pay to meet the need of ecological landscape. Firstly, this paper explains the concept of ecological landscape, ecological landscape value and its transfer, and clarifies the differences between different concepts. The concept of ecological landscape value used in this paper is defined as the geographical ecological landscape which can bring people a good feeling. This paper first uses XY two-factor theory to explain the nature of people's ecological needs from a qualitative point of view. Driving force and evolution into the process of promoting the consumption demand of ecological landscape. This paper analyzes in detail how the ecological landscape demand, as a health care factor and an incentive factor, has an impact on people's eco-related behaviors, and combines the extension idea with the characteristic price method. In order to quantitatively explain the ecological landscape value from a quantitative point of view to make a full theoretical preparation. Secondly, the article comprehensively analyzes the status quo of ecological landscape, economic and social development, investment in environmental undertakings and Wuxi residents' income. For the ecological landscape value in Wuxi real estate transactions to do the transfer. On the one hand the economic strength of Wuxi in ecological landscape construction investment on the other hand Wuxi citizens related needs are increasing. This promotes the development of ecological landscape house in Wuxi, especially after the blue algae event broke out in Taihu Lake, people pay more attention to the environment. The intrinsic value of ecological landscape is similar to luxury consumption in the residential market. This requires certain economic strength to pay for these ecological needs. Wuxi has a rapid economic growth. And pay attention to the investment and construction of garden public green space. It is because of sufficient economic strength and corresponding consumption demand that the research of this paper has practical significance. Finally, the paper introduces the sample selection of Wuxi housing price, the quantification of the data and the construction of the model in detail, and analyzes the results of the model calculation. From the perspective of empirical quantitative analysis of the impact of Taihu Lake ecological landscape on the price of housing in Wuxi and the impact of the ecological landscape of Lake Lihu on the housing prices around. In the process of sample selection. Mainly through Sina Leju network and Anjuke network and other professional real estate transaction data network to collect data. Then collect the sample data through different methods to quantify the number of bus lines. The distance to Lihu Lake residential building area and green rate can be directly measured using collected objective data. And the educational facilities and the living facilities are the data obtained by grade quantification, and the results are analyzed by fitting results. It explains the negative influence of Taihu Lake ecological landscape on the housing price in Wuxi and the positive influence of Lihu ecological landscape on housing price.


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