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发布时间:2018-01-20 14:43

  本文关键词: 房地产市场 房价 北京 宏观调控 出处:《西北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,房地产业也取得了长足的进步。尤其是20世纪90年代之后,世界全球化的趋势在不断加强,国内外的经济、政治、文化各方面的交流在不断深入,房地产业在这样的大背景下更是进入了发展的黄金时期。我国的人口基数大、经济发展满足不了人们日益增长的物质需要等种种原因造成了房地产价格逐年上升。自20世纪80年代之后,我国的房地产开始迅速发展,90年代住房制度改革之后,房价如股市一样一路上扬。而房地产业所带来的巨大利润也让许多投资者趋之若鹜,投身于房地产开发中,从而也在一定意义上造成了房地产领域投资过剩的现象,直接导致了房地产市场经济泡沫。同时商品房的价格虚高也造成许多老百姓只能持币观望,可望而不可及。房地产商不断增加,房地产不断增加,已经建成的商品房却不能够及时的销售,这将加剧市场的不稳定性。 受美国次贷危机以及国际金融风暴余波的影响,我国房地产市场在2007年之后便开始一路下滑,各大城市的房价诸如北京、上海、广州等也都出现了房价下跌的现象。商品房的消费严重不足,加上经济危机的影响,种种原因之下房地产市场已经由原本单纯的房子过剩而转为流动资金的短缺。在这样的一种环境下,国家也出台了一系列的宏观调控政策,譬如苏州购买70平方米以上的房子可以直接拥有户籍;国家在货币政策方面也由紧缩的货币政策向宽松的货币政策方向转化等等。种种政策其最终的目的都是为了刺激居民消费,但又往往矫枉过正。 房地产业是关系民生的重要行业。如今随着社会主义制度的不断发展与完善,关于民生这一概念更是需要引起我们的注意,民生产业对于稳定社会秩序,建立社会主义和谐社会都具有重要意义,因此对于房地产业的调控方面丝毫不允许出现马虎的情况。房地产业的发展不仅可以更好地改善人们的生活水平质量,同时还能够促进国民经济与社会的健康稳定发展。加强对房地产业的调控,对于后金融危机时代的我国经济发展、综合国力的提高等各方面都具有积极作用。本文将从市场的作用与政府的宏观调控措施、成效、原因分析等方面进行研究分析,以2005-2011年我国房地产市场发展现状及所采用的调控政策为例剖析我国房地产业调控现状,并在此基础上对房地产的未来发展提出一些政策性意见,以期能够促进我国房地产业的进步与发展。 全文由绪论和四个部分组成,以阐述现状——提出问题——比较分析——政策建议的逻辑顺序对于房地产调控进行分析研究,并提出对于未来展望。 绪论是本文的开篇部分,在绪论中,主要是为了阐述选题的背景以及选题的意义;对于相关文献予以分析;说明本文的研究思路和研究方法,阐明本文的创新之处。 第一部分对我国房地产业宏观调控政策效果进行分析并就相关理论予以阐述。 第二部分主要分析我国房地产调控的现状及存在的一些不足之处。这一部分主要以我国房地产业现有的一些调控政策为入手点,对这些调控手段及政策在我国房地产业发展中所带来的成效影响及出现的问题进行分析研究。 第三部分分析我国房地产业调控政策效果不佳的原因。造成我国房地产调控不佳的原因是方方面面的,可以从目标定位、政策协调、房地产企业,政府、社会保障制度等方面进行分析。 第四部分提出对房地产调控实施的改进措施。该部分以国家近年来所出台的一些调控措施为基础,从宏观调控的“少数派”和“多数派”不同的角度提出与市场经济发展,与社会进步相适应的房地产调控政策,,保证我国房地产业的健康稳定的发展。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, along with China's economic development level unceasing enhancement, the real estate industry has made considerable progress. Especially after 1990s, the trend of globalization in the world continue to strengthen domestic and international economic, political and cultural exchanges in various aspects of deepening, the real estate industry in this context is in the golden period of development. China's large population base, economic development can not meet the growing material needs and other reasons caused by the real estate prices increased year by year. Since 1980s, China's real estate began to develop rapidly, after the 90s reform of the housing system, such as the stock market prices continued to rise. The huge profits arising from the real estate industry has left many investors in droves, engaged in real estate development, which is in some sense caused by the real estate investment surplus The phenomenon, led directly to the real estate market. At the same time, the economic bubble inflated housing prices also caused many people only chibiguanwang miles away. The real estate business continues to increase, real estate continues to increase, has built commercial housing sales is not timely, it will exacerbate the instability of the market.
Affected by the subprime mortgage crisis and the aftermath of the international financial crisis, China's real estate market began to decline after 2007, the house price of each city such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou have also emerged the phenomenon of falling house prices. Commercial housing consumption and serious shortage, coupled with the impact of the economic crisis, a variety of reasons the real estate market has a surplus from the original pure house and converted to a shortage of liquidity. In such an environment, the state has promulgated a series of macro-control policies, such as the Suzhou purchase more than 70 square meters of the house can have a residence; countries in terms of monetary policy from tight monetary policy direction the transformation of monetary policy easing various policies and so on. Its ultimate aim is to stimulate consumption, but often overkill.
The real estate industry is an important industry related to the livelihood of the people. Now with the continuous development and improvement of the socialist system, the concept of people's livelihood is to arouse our attention, people's livelihood industry to stabilize the social order and is of great significance to build a socialist harmonious society, so the regulation of the real estate industry has not allowed the careless. The development of the real estate industry can not only improve the quality of people's living standard, but also can promote the healthy and stable development of the national economy and society. To strengthen the regulation of the real estate industry, the economic development of our country in the post crisis era, has a positive role in the improvement of overall national strength. This paper will results from the government role and market macro-control measures, reason analysis and other aspects of research and analysis to 2005-2011 years of China's real estate market development status Taking the regulatory policies taken as an example, this paper analyzes the current situation of China's real estate industry regulation, and on this basis, puts forward some policy suggestions for the future development of real estate so as to promote the progress and development of China's real estate industry.
The full text is made up of four parts: introduction and current situation. It aims to explain the status quo -- raise the problem -- comparative analysis -- logical sequence of policy recommendations for real estate regulation and analysis, and put forward future prospects.
The introduction is the opening part of this paper. In the introduction, it is mainly to explain the background and significance of the topic selection, analyze the related literature, explain the research train of thought and research method, and clarify the innovation of this article.
The first part analyses the effect of macroeconomic regulation and control policy in China's real estate industry and expounds the relevant theories.
The second part mainly analyzes the status quo of China's real estate regulation and some shortcomings. This part is mainly to some of the existing regulatory policy of China's real estate industry as the starting point, analyze the influence of these means of regulation and policy brought about by the development of China's real estate industry in the achievements and problems.
The third part analyzes the reasons why China's real estate industry's regulatory policy is not effective. The reasons for the poor regulation of real estate in China are various. It can be analyzed from the aspects of target positioning, policy coordination, real estate enterprises, government, social security system and so on.
The fourth part puts forward the measures to improve the regulation of real estate. Some measures in this part by government in recent years as the foundation, and put forward the development of market economy from the macro-control "minority" and "majority" of different point of view, the real estate control policies to adapt to social progress, to ensure the healthy and steady development of our in the real estate industry.



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