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发布时间:2018-01-21 16:01

  本文关键词: 项目管理 住宅小区建设项目 项目质量管理 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:项目管理中的质量管理理论在工程建设中还没有得到应有的重视,工程建设项目是一个系统工程,必须建立自己的一个完整的质量管理研究体系。它需要应用系统的方法来分析项目的质量管理问题中相关的各方面问题,项目质量目标的实现是项目工期目标和成本目标顺利实现的根本保证和立足点,而良好的质量策划过程和质量计划是实现项目质量目标的前提。 房地产因其高投资收益与高风险并存的特点,不仅能为投资商提供获取高额收益的机会,而且也可能为投资者带来巨大的风险。确保项目工程质量,保证工程质量的监督与监管,是房地产开发工程工作中永恒的主题。高质量的工程不仅给投资商、社会带来了潜在的效益,而且也将施工企业带来良好的信誉,从而增强企业的竞争能力。保证工程质量,提高投资的社会效益和经济效益,最大限度地创造价值,是投资的需要,施工企业的需要,也是社会的需要。所以政府、建设单位、监理单位要做好对住宅小区建设项目的监督工作,而施工企业要建立健全自身质量管理体系,做好工程质量管理工作。 建立质量管理体系,首先应明确质量管理体系是为满足国家对建设项目的质量要求和行业内部的目标管理而设计的,其作用应能满足国家基本建设法律、法规和行业内部各种规章制度的要求,及对组织内部的“过程改进”进行有效管理的需要。质量管理的目的是为了确保项目按照设计者规定的要求满意的完成,建设符合规范、标准的建筑产品,满足业主的使用要求。 论文从项目管理的总体知识体系出发,针对住宅小区建设项目中的质量管理问题及各种存在的关键因素进行深入的研究分析,通过对“XX家园“项目的质量管理分析,系统的介绍了项目、项目管理和项目质量管理的基本概念和管理方法,提出和完善一些住宅项目建设中的质量管理的建议,希望能为房地产开发企业在进行项目的质量管理研究时提供借鉴和参考,能够为投资商提供科学投资决策依据,确保投资成功,提高投资项目的竞争力。 论文运用先进的理论研究方法、科学的阐述方法,结合住宅小区建设项目的工程实例来进行分析和研究,并提出了合理、实用的解决方法。本文尝试在该项目的工程建设过程中引入项目的质量管理研究的相关理论,这对淄博市的住宅小区建设项目管理体系具有一定的理论指导意义。 通过论文的阐述和论证,希望所提及的方法及措施能够真正运用到现实工作中,形成健全的工程质量管理体系,真正提高建筑工程质量监督与管理的工作效率,加强对建设工程质量的监控,从而真正减少质量问题,提高工程的质量系数。
[Abstract]:The theory of quality management in project management has not been given due attention in engineering construction. Engineering construction project is a system engineering. It is necessary to establish a complete quality management research system. It needs a systematic approach to analyze all aspects of the project quality management problems. The realization of project quality objectives is the fundamental guarantee and foothold for the smooth realization of project duration objectives and cost objectives, and a good quality planning process and quality planning is the premise of achieving the project quality objectives. Because of the coexistence of high investment income and high risk, real estate can not only provide investors with the opportunity to obtain high returns, but also bring huge risks to investors and ensure the project quality. Ensuring the supervision and supervision of engineering quality is the eternal theme in the real estate development project. High-quality engineering not only brings potential benefits to investors and society, but also brings good reputation to construction enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary for investment and construction enterprise to enhance the competitive ability of enterprises, ensure the quality of projects, improve the social and economic benefits of investment, and create value to the maximum extent. Therefore, the government, construction units, supervision units should do a good job in the supervision of residential district construction projects, and construction enterprises should establish and improve their own quality management system. Do a good job of project quality management. To establish a quality management system, it should be made clear that the quality management system is designed to meet the quality requirements of national construction projects and the objective management within the industry, and its function should be able to meet the national capital construction laws. The requirements of regulations and regulations within the industry, and the need for effective management of "process improvement" within the organization. The purpose of quality management is to ensure that the project is satisfactorily completed in accordance with the requirements set by the designer. The construction conforms to the specification, the standard construction product, satisfies the owner's use request. Starting from the overall knowledge system of project management, this paper makes a deep research and analysis on the quality management problems and various key factors in residential district construction projects. By analyzing the quality management of "XX Home" project, this paper systematically introduces the basic concepts and methods of project, project management and project quality management. Put forward and perfect some suggestions of quality management in the construction of residential projects, hoping to provide reference and reference for real estate development enterprises in the research of project quality management. Can provide scientific investment decision basis for investors, ensure the success of investment, improve the competitiveness of investment projects. The paper uses advanced theory research method, scientific elaboration method, combined with the project example of residential district construction to analyze and research, and put forward the reasonable. This paper attempts to introduce the relevant theory of project quality management in the process of project construction. This has a certain theoretical significance to Zibo residential district construction project management system. Through the elaboration and demonstration of the paper, we hope that the methods and measures mentioned can be applied to the real work and form a sound engineering quality management system. In order to reduce the quality problem and improve the quality coefficient of the project, the efficiency of the supervision and management of the quality of the construction project is really improved, and the supervision of the quality of the construction project is strengthened.


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