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发布时间:2018-01-22 08:53

  本文关键词: 地产 资金风险 指标体系 出处:《北京建筑大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产行业作为国民经济的重要组成部分,它的发展对整个经济市场的稳定起着举足轻重的作用。一个国家的房地产行业是否稳定、是否健全不仅仅关系到金融行业的生死存亡,而且对整个国家的政治、经济、社会生活的各个方面也有着至关重要的影响。当前我国房地产开发企业资金60%以上来源于商业银行贷款,如何有效面对房地产项目进行全面地资金风险防范,对房地产开发企业的稳健经营具有重要的理论与现实意义。本文通过对S地产有限责任公司资金风险进行研究,希望对企业市场竞争中存在的资金风险进行详细的分析,提出适合当前环境及行业特征的房地产市场中可能存在的各种风险,提高S地产有限责任公司在行业细分方向的市场竞争力,减少S地产有限责任公司在财务方面的不安全时间,达到降低资金风险的目的。 本论文综合运用层次分析法和综合评分法等相关学科的理论和方法,将多学科学术前沿的内容有机地交叉融合在一起,多角度研究S地产有限责任公司资金风险致因因素。本文首先对S地产公司财务现状进行了分析,确立了S地产公司资金风险指标选取原则,分析了S地产公司资金风险产生的原因,最后建立了S地产公司资金风险指标体系。在S地产公司资金风险产生内外部环境因素的基础上,将S地产公司资金风险评价一级指标设定为:经营效率指标、短期偿债能力指标、长期偿债能力指标、获利能力指标四个一级指标,八个二级指标。其次运用综合评分法对企业的资金风险进行评估,利用层次分析法对选取的企业风险资金指标计算权重,然后计算出每项风险评分因素的得分。最后以S地产公司为例,运用层次分析法确立了风险评价指标权重,运用综合评分法对S地产公司资金风险进行了评价。结果显示:S地产公司连续三年高于当地房地产平均水平,但是风险水平在逐年下降,提出了S地产公司资金风险的改进建议,包括努力削减银行债务,降低负债规模,开源节流,减少对银行的过度依赖,为我国房地产资金风险管理提供了一定的参考。
[Abstract]:As an important part of the national economy, the development of real estate industry plays an important role in the stability of the entire economic market. Soundness is not only related to the survival of the financial industry, but also to the whole country's politics and economy. All aspects of social life also have a vital impact. At present, more than 60% of the capital of real estate development enterprises in China comes from commercial bank loans. How to face the real estate project to carry on the comprehensive capital risk prevention effectively. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to the steady management of real estate development enterprises. This paper studies the capital risk of S real estate limited liability company. It is hoped that the capital risk in the enterprise market competition will be analyzed in detail, and the various risks that may exist in the real estate market suitable for the current environment and industry characteristics will be put forward. To improve the market competitiveness of S real estate limited liability company in the direction of industry segmentation, reduce the financial insecurity time of S real estate limited liability company, and achieve the purpose of reducing the capital risk. This thesis synthesizes the theories and methods of related disciplines such as Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Comprehensive scoring method, and organically intersects the contents of multi-disciplinary academic frontiers. This paper firstly analyzes the current financial situation of S real estate company and establishes the principle of selecting the capital risk index of S real estate company. This paper analyzes the causes of the capital risk of S real estate company, and finally establishes the capital risk index system of S real estate company, on the basis of the internal and external environmental factors of the capital risk of S real estate company. The S real estate company capital risk evaluation index is set as: operating efficiency index, short-term solvency index, long-term solvency index, profitability index four first-level indicators. Eight secondary indicators. Secondly, the comprehensive scoring method is used to evaluate the enterprise capital risk, and the AHP is used to calculate the weight of the selected enterprise risk capital index. Then calculate the score of each risk score factor. Finally, take S real estate company as an example, use AHP to establish the weight of risk evaluation index. The result shows that the capital risk of S real estate company is higher than the average level of local real estate for three consecutive years, but the risk level is decreasing year by year. Put forward the S real estate company capital risk improvement suggestions, including efforts to reduce bank debt, reduce the size of debt, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, reduce excessive dependence on banks. It provides a certain reference for the risk management of real estate funds in our country.


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