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发布时间:2018-01-24 15:52

  本文关键词: 价值链 核心竞争力 家具企业 评价体系 出处:《东北林业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球一体化脚步的加快,国内市场不断开放,加之我国经济飞速发展,人们生活水平不断提高,国外家具品牌十分看好中国消费者的消费能力,加大了对我国市场的开发力度,目光集中地投放到中国市场。一方面家居市场外部冲击不断加大,另一方面随着国家对房地产行业调控力度的有增无减,家居市场内部的消费需求逐渐低于市场的扩容速度。在这样的行业背景下,可以肯定地说家具行业的高利润时期已经或即将过去,高质量、微利润的时期已经到来,且将成为今后的主要特征。国内企业要想在激烈的国际竞争中占有一席之地,就必须把有限的资源投放在能够创造最优价值的模块上,即核心竞争能力上。恒友家具集团是集研发、设计、生产、销售、服务于一体,以专业生产高档实木家具为主的现代化大型企业。家具产品有四大品类、八大系列。目前在全国二十多个省、市、自治区的一百多个大中城市建立了二百多个专卖店,已形成了比较完善的、可控的市场营销网络。然而,在行业竞争不断白热化和复杂化的时刻,企业的经营状况十分严峻。集团利润不断下滑,企业市场份额已经有逐渐缩小的趋势,因此在现阶段识别和提升恒友的核心竞争力,对于恒友改变经营颓势,保护企业不为激烈的全球化竞争所淘汰具有极其重要的意义。 本论文结合国内外价值链理论和核心竞争力理论的研究成果,研究恒友集团的价值链,从而为识别和提升企业核心竞争力提供量化的基础支持。本文在这些理论基础的支撑下,以恒友家具集团价值链为切入点,采用定量与定性相结合的分析方法对恒友集团核心竞争力进行了综合的识别和提升。文章从企业价值链作业活动的企业经济效益回报度、战略合作—产出相关度以及顾客价值贡献度进行深入评价,从而确定恒友集团价值链上的优势环节,实现企业核心竞争力的识别;对于企业价值链上的核心环节,提出坚守主业抓生产、加强技术创新性战略联盟、开发定制家具信息系统树品牌等策略,从而控制关键增值环节,提升核心竞争优势。
[Abstract]:With the pace of global economic integration, the domestic market continues to open up, coupled with China's rapid economic development, people's living standards improve, foreign brands of furniture is very optimistic about the Chinese consumer capacity, increase on China's market development efforts, focus on the China market. On the one hand Home Furnishing Market external shocks continue to increase on the other hand, with the increase of state regulation of the real estate industry efforts, Home Furnishing internal market consumer demand gradually below the pace of expansion of the market. In this industry background, be sure to say the furniture industry's high profit period has been or will be in the past, high quality, small profit period has come, and will become the main feature in the future. The domestic enterprises want to occupy a space for one person in the fierce international competition, we must put the limited resources to create the best value in the The module, which is the core competition ability. Hengyou furniture group is a research and development, design, production, sales and service in one large modern enterprise mainly specializing in the production of high-grade solid wood furniture. Furniture products have four categories, eight series. Currently in the country more than 20 provinces, city, autonomous, more than 100 large and medium-sized city the district has set up more than 200 stores, has formed a relatively complete, controllable marketing network. However, in the industry competition is intense and complex moment, business situation is very grim. Group profits continue to decline, the enterprise market share has gradually narrowed, so the core competitiveness of the identify and upgrade Hengyou Hengyou, to change the operation of the downturn, the protection of enterprises are not eliminated by the fierce competition of globalization has very important significance.
This paper combines the domestic and foreign research results of value chain theory and core competence theory, the value chain of Hengyou group, so as to provide a quantitative basis for recognition and support to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. This paper based on the theory of support, value chain as the starting point to Hengyou furniture group price, using the quantitative analysis and qualitative identification of and promote the integration of Hengyou group's core competitiveness. The article from the activities of enterprise's value chain enterprise economic returns, strategic cooperation output correlation and the customer value contribution of the in-depth evaluation, so as to determine the advantage of the constant group of friends of the value chain, the core competitiveness of enterprises to achieve recognition the core link of the enterprise; for the value chain, the stick to the main industry catch production, strengthen technological innovation and strategic alliances, the development of custom furniture product tree information system Brand strategy, so as to control the key value-added links and improve the core competitive advantage.



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