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发布时间:2018-01-25 12:23

  本文关键词: 煤炭供应商 供应商评价 指标体系 层次分析法 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:受经济危机和国家政策的影响,房地产、电力、钢铁、化工、建筑等行业对原材料的需求降低,煤炭的需求量也相应的下降,煤炭市场正在逐步由卖方市场向买方市场转变。这就为煤炭消费企业选择和管理煤炭供应商提供了更大的选择权和主动权。对供应商的评价作为供应商管理的重要内容,能够帮助企业有效施行奖惩,实现供应商动态管理,争取在降低成本、降低库存、响应非常规需求方面与供应商达成一致目标,实现共赢。 T企业作为创新供应链管理服务的大型企业,综合了多个不同行业的煤炭消费企业的需求。本文综合煤炭供应商管理现状及T企业的实际情况,为T企业设计了符合自身特点的评价指标体系。本文在论述了煤炭供应市场存在的问题及我国煤炭供应商管理现状后,认识到改善T企业供应商评价的必要性;结合T企业的企业定位和供应商管理的现状,在符合评价指标体系确立的原则和步骤的前提下,本文从供应商运营能力、生产能力、质量保证能力、企业环境四个方面,确立了包括11个评价指标的指标体系,并且为指标体系明确了具体的评分细则,符合T企业的企业需求。然后,运用层次分析法,确定各个指标的权重,最终为T企业合理有效评价供应商提供了一套完整的指标体系,为T企业供应商评价提供参考。本文的不同之处在于,没有以供应链上的核心制造企业为研究的出发点,而是以煤炭供应链服务商为研究主体,综合了不同的煤炭消费企业的需求,使研究结果更具综合性。
[Abstract]:Affected by the economic crisis and national policies, the demand for raw materials in real estate, electricity, steel, chemical, construction and other industries decreased, and the demand for coal fell accordingly. The coal market is gradually changing from the seller's market to the buyer's market, which provides a greater option and initiative for coal consuming enterprises to choose and manage coal suppliers. Want the content. It can help enterprises to effectively implement rewards and penalties, achieve dynamic management of suppliers, strive to reduce costs, reduce inventory, respond to unconventional demand with suppliers to reach a common goal, achieve win-win. T enterprise, as a large enterprise of innovative supply chain management service, synthesizes the demand of many coal consuming enterprises in different industries. This paper synthesizes the current situation of coal supplier management and the actual situation of T enterprise. The evaluation index system is designed for T enterprise according with its own characteristics. After discussing the problems existing in coal supply market and the present situation of coal supplier management in our country, this paper recognizes the necessity of improving supplier evaluation in T enterprise. Combined with the status quo of enterprise positioning and supplier management in T enterprise, in accordance with the evaluation index system established the principles and steps of the premise, this paper from the supplier operation capacity, production capacity, quality assurance ability. Four aspects of the enterprise environment, including the establishment of 11 evaluation indicators of the index system, and for the index system clear specific scoring rules, in line with the needs of T enterprises. Then, the use of analytic hierarchy process. Determine the weight of each index, ultimately for T enterprise reasonable and effective evaluation of suppliers to provide a complete set of indicators for T enterprise supplier evaluation to provide a reference. Instead of taking the core manufacturing enterprises in the supply chain as the starting point, the paper takes the coal supply chain service providers as the main body, synthesizes the needs of different coal consumption enterprises, and makes the research results more comprehensive.


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