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发布时间:2018-01-28 06:40

  本文关键词: 城镇化 挑战 策略 深度城镇化 出处:《中国名城》2016年09期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, some "new normal" appeared in urbanization: the speed of urbanization will obviously slow down, the motorization will strengthen the trend of suburbanization, the aging of urban population will come quickly, and the demand for housing will continue to decrease. International pressure on carbon emissions is unprecedented, and structural shortages of energy and water resources will continue to grow. At the same time, there are also serious challenges and problems: urban air, water and soil pollution, degradation of human settlements in small towns. Population loss, serious urban traffic congestion, loss of urban characteristics and historical features, overstock of affordable housing and housing speculation coexist, urban disaster prevention and mitigation capacity is obviously inadequate. According to these problems. Some suggestions are put forward as follows: carrying out the rural land reform pilot project to prevent suburbanization; To improve the level of urban disaster prevention and mitigation by integrating resources with "resilient cities"; Develop green traffic vigorously, set up the correct idea of "motorization"; Reform indemnificatory apartment construction and operation system, reduce the risk of real estate bubble; To protect the historical districts of cities and towns in an all-round way and to restore the historical context of the towns; Carrying out the construction of "beautiful and livable villages" to protect and repair the traditional villages in rural areas; To study and formulate the coordinated development planning of urban clusters and improve the spatial governance of high-density urbanization areas; Carry on energy saving to the existing building, adapt to the old reform, speed up the promotion of green building; To upgrade and transform the human settlement environment in small towns; We will comprehensively promote the construction of intelligent cities.
【作者单位】: 国务院;中国城市科学研究会;
【正文快照】: 经历了三十多年快速城镇化,我国已经正式进入了前所未有的“城市时代”,不仅80%以上的国民收入、财政税收、就业岗位和科技创新成果产生于城市,而且空气和水体污染、交通拥堵、贫富分化、地震飓风灾害等也发端于城市。“深度城镇化”的立意不仅是为缓解“城市病”、开拓有效投


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