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发布时间:2018-01-29 18:00

  本文关键词: LS集团 企业文化 文化建设 企业管理 出处:《新疆大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:知识经济时代,文化管理将取代科学管理,成为唯一适用的管理模式。而文化管理,又是以企业文化建设为主导的。因此,,企业文化建设对于知识型企业尤为重要,它必将成为今后企业管理的关键环节、企业竞争力的重要方面。 LS集团是1992年全国第一家商业厅系统整建制转体组建的国有企业。通过20余年的发展,形成了以现代零售为主业,以制药和房地产为重点产业的集团业态。自集团成立之初的“6·22”精神,逐渐积累,不断总结探索,积极实践领先半步的理论,集团全体员工团结一心、艰苦创业,逐步积累、沉淀出了富有特色的企业精神、理念和价值观,塑造了LS集团优秀的企业文化。 当前,LS集团正面临从深耕山东到走向全国的关键节点,过度扩张带来的各种错乱、品牌认同的挑战以及资金链风险,都有可能成为制约集团进一步发展的瓶颈。在这个新的历史拐点上,顺应形势发展,调整企业发展战略,改进和提升企业文化,保持集团高速、良性可持续发展,是LS人必须面对的现实问题。 作为LS集团的一员,笔者亲身目睹和经历了集团20年来的发展壮大。在文中,用文献研究、理论和实证分析的方法,通过对企业文化基本理论和国内外研究实践的学习研究,结合自己的理解,从LS集团企业文化建设、提炼的过程入手,重点解析了其“仁智合一,商行天下”的企业文化体系内涵,包括“履信尚义,兴商润民”的企业使命;“激情拼搏、全心奉献、快乐工作、健康生活”的企业精神;“屹立百强,通达八方”的企业愿景;“立在诚信、兴在创新、成在协作、赢在执行”的企业核心价值观;以及鲁商基本行为准则等。并对LS企业文化建设取得的成就和存在的问题作了分析和探讨,认为在当前形势下,LS集团应当实施企业文化再造,以人为本,持续改进和创新,加强学习型企业建设,不断强化执行力为对策与措施,保障企业延续辉煌,实现可持续发展。 通过本文的研究,力求对LS集团企业文化的改进和提升有所助益,为其他企业文化建设提供借鉴和参考。对呼唤社会诚信,倡导诚信经营的文化理念,进一步弘扬新时代儒商精神起到积极的推动作用,具有一定的理论和现实意义。
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, cultural management will take the place of scientific management and become the only suitable management mode. The construction of enterprise culture is particularly important for knowledge-based enterprises. It will become the key link of enterprise management and the important aspect of enterprise competitiveness. In 1992, LS Group was the first state-owned enterprise set up in the whole commercial office system. Through the development of more than 20 years, it formed the modern retailing as the main business. With pharmaceutical and real estate as the key industry, the group business form. Since the establishment of the group, the spirit of "6.22" gradually accumulated, constantly summarized and explored, actively practiced the theory of leading half a step, all the staff of the group United as one. Hard work, gradually accumulate, precipitate the rich characteristic enterprise spirit, the idea and the value, molds the LS group outstanding enterprise culture. At present, the group is facing the key nodes from deep cultivation to the whole country, all kinds of confusion caused by excessive expansion, the challenge of brand identity and the risk of capital chain. In this new historical turning point, adapt to the development of the situation, adjust the enterprise development strategy, improve and upgrade the corporate culture, and maintain the high speed of the group. Benign sustainable development, LS people must face the reality of the problem. As a member of LS Group, the author has witnessed and experienced the development of the Group over the past 20 years. In this paper, the use of literature research, theoretical and empirical analysis methods. Through the basic theory of corporate culture and the study of domestic and foreign research practice, combined with their own understanding, from the LS group enterprise culture construction, refining process, focused on the analysis of its "combination of benevolence and wisdom." The connotation of the corporate culture system includes the enterprise mission of "believe in Shangyi and rejuvenate business people"; "passionate struggle, dedication, happy work, healthy life" spirit of enterprise; "stand a hundred strong, reach the eight sides" corporate vision; "standing in good faith, in innovation, in cooperation, win in the implementation of" the core values of the enterprise; The paper also analyzes and discusses the achievements and problems of LS enterprise culture construction, and points out that under the current situation, the LS group should carry out enterprise culture reengineering and put people first. Continuous improvement and innovation, strengthening the construction of learning-oriented enterprises and strengthening the executive power are the countermeasures and measures to ensure the continuance of the brilliance of the enterprises and the realization of sustainable development. Through the research of this paper, we try our best to help the improvement and promotion of the enterprise culture of LS Group, and provide reference for other enterprise culture construction, call for the social integrity, advocate the cultural concept of good faith management. Further carrying forward the spirit of Confucian merchants in the new era plays an active role in promoting it, which has certain theoretical and practical significance.


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