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发布时间:2018-01-29 19:30

  本文关键词: 房地产公司 客户关系管理 客户价值 市场营销战略 出处:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:客户关系管理是现代企业市场营销战略的核心内容,更是企业赢取绩效的重要保障。本文所探讨的JK房地产公司,目前正处于加快发展的关键时期,而在当前国家宏观调控的大背景下,需要客户关系管理基础上的市场营销战略跟进并有所发展。基于此,笔者以JK房地产公司为案例,结合相关理论,对该公司客户关系管理现状和存在的问题进行剖析,并提出了相应对策,希望以此促进该公司的科学发展,并对我国房地产企业有所借鉴。 理论是实践的先导。本文分析了客户关系管理理论,主要包括客户价值理论、关系营销理论、整合营销理论等,并借助访谈法、调查法、比较法等实证分析的研究方法,对JK房地产公司员工关系管理现状进行了全景扫描。总体来说,JK房地产公司目前客户关系管理现状尚可,但也存在没有完全建立起以客户为中心的管理理念,客户关系管理与公司发展战略匹配性不强,对客户价值分析和资源开发还不是很充分,客户关系管理制度流程还不够科学和规范等问题,通过对客户满意度调查也可以看出,客户对JK房地产公司客户关系管理的整体情况也不是很满意。 结合相关理论和现状分析,本文提出了JK房地产公司客户关系管理改进策略:一是树立客户“百分百满意”的服务理念,在充分尊重客户个性化需求的基础上,以客户为中心,努力提升服务的时代内涵;二是结合企业营销战略和发展规划,制定出明确的客户关系管理目标、管理规划和实施方案;三是基于客户价值和客户细分优化服务流程策略,重点包括提升客户价值、注重客户细分、优化服务流程等。在此基础上,JK房地产公司还必须加强组织、制度、文化建设,为客户设计出相对完善的管理和开发体系,促进企业营销与客户关系的协同互动,培育良好的JK房地产企业文化,以此保障JK公司客户关系管理体系更加细化与优化,产生出良好的管理效益。
[Abstract]:Customer relationship management is the core content of modern enterprise marketing strategy, but also the important guarantee of enterprise winning performance. JK real estate company discussed in this paper is in the key period of accelerating development. Under the background of current national macro-control, the marketing strategy based on customer relationship management needs to be followed up and developed. Based on this, the author takes JK real estate company as a case, combined with relevant theory. This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of customer relationship management of the company and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to promote the scientific development of the company and to draw lessons for the real estate enterprises in our country. This paper analyzes the theory of customer relationship management, including customer value theory, relationship marketing theory, integrated marketing theory and so on. The comparative method and other empirical analysis methods, JK real estate company employee relationship management status of a panoramic scan. Generally speaking, JK real estate company's current customer relationship management situation is OK. However, there is not a complete establishment of customer-centric management concept, customer relationship management and the company's development strategy is not strong matching, customer value analysis and resource development is not very sufficient. The process of customer relationship management system is not scientific and standardized, through the investigation of customer satisfaction, we can see that customers are not very satisfied with the overall situation of customer relationship management of JK real estate company. Combined with relevant theory and current situation analysis, this article proposed the JK real estate company customer relationship management improvement strategy: first, set up the customer "100% satisfaction" service concept. On the basis of fully respecting the individual needs of customers, taking the customer as the center, we will strive to promote the connotation of the era of service; Second, the enterprise marketing strategy and development plan, to formulate a clear customer relationship management objectives, management planning and implementation plan; Third, based on customer value and customer segmentation optimization service process strategy, the emphasis includes enhancing customer value, focusing on customer segmentation, optimizing service flow, etc. On this basis, JK real estate company must also strengthen the organization. System, cultural construction, design a relatively perfect management and development system for customers, promote the cooperative interaction between enterprise marketing and customer relations, cultivate a good JK real estate corporate culture. In order to ensure that JK company customer relationship management system more refined and optimized, resulting in good management benefits.


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