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发布时间:2018-01-29 19:08

  本文关键词: 住宅建筑节能 综合评价 指标体系 措施建议 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前我国建筑能耗形势相当严峻,建筑面积大,能耗总量大,相对其他国家建筑能耗比例高、而且污染严重,建筑能耗已成为能源的主要负担。为了建立能源节约型和谐社会,目前我国相继出台了一系列与建筑节能相关政策,也很注重节能技术的研究和引进,但是缺乏行之有效的住宅建筑节能性能和等级的评价体系及完善的评估工具,而完善的评价系统的建立是建筑节能工作实施的基础。 本文站在建筑业及房地产行业的发展角度,深入分析了目前哈尔滨市住宅建筑节能的特点及发展趋势。通过阅读大量的文献,了解目前国内外的建筑节能评价体系及相应的评价方法,认真学习住宅建筑节能评价体系建立的理论依据、相关节能设计标准、评价标准及评价技术等。在此基础上,通过节能评价体系结构设计和指标的筛选及确定,从建筑主体节能设计、围护结构设计、能源利用、供暖设备、其他设备以及节能管理六个方面设计六个维度,构建哈尔滨市住宅建筑节能评价体系。本文运用德尔菲法、信息熵法、层次分析法法和模糊综合评判等方法,通过对哈尔滨住宅建筑节能评价指标的筛选、权重的确定、节能评价等级标识的建立、指标评判方法确定以及综合评价结果的分析等内容的分析研究,最终构建了哈尔滨市住宅建筑节能评价体系,并运用模糊综合评判方法进行了节能评价,并进一步完善了相关理论分析。 通过哈尔滨市节能改造项目实证分析,,利用模糊综合评判方法进行节能评价,既检验了指标体系设计的合理性,又验证了哈尔滨节能改造工程的成果。并且针对建立的哈尔滨住宅建筑节能评价体系,用编程语言完成了软件界面的开发,使住宅建筑节能评价更加容易实现。另外,也为哈尔滨市开展住宅建筑节能工作提出了一些合理的措施及建议。
[Abstract]:At present, the situation of building energy consumption in our country is quite severe, the building area is large, the total energy consumption is large, compared with other countries, the proportion of building energy consumption is high, and the pollution is serious. Building energy consumption has become the main burden of energy. In order to establish a harmonious society of energy conservation, China has introduced a series of policies related to building energy conservation, and also pays great attention to the research and introduction of energy-saving technology. However, there is a lack of effective evaluation system and evaluation tools for building energy efficiency performance and grade, and the establishment of perfect evaluation system is the basis of building energy efficiency implementation. This article stands in the construction industry and the real estate industry development angle, has deeply analyzed the present Harbin residential building energy saving characteristic and the development tendency. Through reading the massive literature. Understand the current domestic and foreign building energy conservation evaluation system and the corresponding evaluation methods, seriously study the theoretical basis for the establishment of residential building energy conservation evaluation system, relevant energy-saving design standards. On this basis, through the energy conservation evaluation system structure design and index selection and determination, from the building energy conservation design, envelope structure design, energy use, heating equipment. Other equipment and six aspects of energy conservation management design six dimensions to construct Harbin residential building energy-saving evaluation system. This paper uses Delphi method, information entropy method, analytic hierarchy process method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Through the selection of Harbin residential building energy conservation evaluation index, the weight of the determination, the establishment of energy conservation evaluation grade mark, index evaluation method and comprehensive evaluation results of the analysis of the content of analysis and research. Finally, the energy conservation evaluation system of residential buildings in Harbin is constructed, and the fuzzy-comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the energy conservation, and further improve the relevant theoretical analysis. Through the demonstration analysis of the energy saving reconstruction project in Harbin and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the rationality of the design of the index system is tested. It also verifies the achievements of Harbin energy saving reconstruction project, and completes the development of software interface with programming language aiming at the building energy-saving evaluation system of Harbin residential buildings. In addition, some reasonable measures and suggestions are put forward for Harbin to carry out energy saving work of residential buildings.


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