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发布时间:2018-02-02 05:50

  本文关键词: 上海 写字楼 市场 收益 风险 实证 研究 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the hypothesis of this paper: 1. The increase in sales price of office buildings is the main income of office investment. 2.When measuring the return on investment in office buildings, all transaction costs and taxes are ignored. The second chapter is a literature review. Firstly, it reviews the theories related to the investment returns and risks of office buildings. The return rate of real estate market depends on demand, supply and inflation. The factors affecting office demand are macroeconomic trend. The employment situation is especially that of the industries that occupy the most office space, the total volume of imports and exports. The supply of office space is affected by three factors: the construction cost of office buildings. The cost of acquiring capital for developers and the long-term growth trend of the office market. In China, policy risk is one of the biggest risks faced by real estate investors. It is caused by the change of laws or regulations of national or local government. The policy risk is mainly derived from monetary policy, economic system, land use system, industrial policy, housing system. The third chapter is the introduction of the theory cited in the research process. Chapter 4th is the core empirical study in this paper. The second and third parts of the theory are applied in in the first quarter of 2006 in shanghai. To in the second quarter of 2013 office price empirical analysis. First. In this paper, a model about the market price of office buildings in Shanghai is established and tested to explore the broad money supply (M 2), which reflects the macroeconomic and monetary policy of a country, and the total import and export of Shanghai. Secondly, this paper will establish and test a sales model of Shanghai office market to explore the total import and export volume of M2 and Shanghai. The supply of office space in Shanghai, the impact of excess supply in the Shanghai office market on office sales. Then, due to a lack of sufficient data to return. This paper will analyze the relationship between Shanghai office price and inflation by calculating the correlation between inflation and the price appreciation of Shanghai office market. At the same time, by calculating the relationship between the building cost and the supply of office buildings in Shanghai, this paper analyzes the relationship between the supply of office buildings in Shanghai and the construction costs. This paper will calculate the variance of the price appreciation of Shanghai office market and the variance of relative Shanghai security market index return rate to compare the correlation between the risk and return of office building investment and securities investment in Shanghai. Chapter 5th. Chapter 6th summarizes the results of empirical research. From this study. First of all, we know that the increase in demand due to the increase in M2 during this period is greater than the corresponding increase in supply. The average price of the Shanghai office market will increase by 0.175 yuan per square meter. Second, the price of the Shanghai office space market will not change significantly by the supply. Third. M2 increase of 0.06% into the Shanghai office market. Investors are only willing to pay 16528.287 yuan for each additional square metre of office space. Then supply and oversupply are not highly linear. The employment and rental areas of the financial industry and the government are in Shanghai. Almost complete linear correlation.


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