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发布时间:2018-02-03 23:35

  本文关键词: 精益生产 库存 钢铁企业 出处:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:进入新世纪以来,随着经济的全球化和我国城镇化的持续推进,中国钢铁行业也进入了一个所谓的“黄金时代”。然而,自2008年下半年以来中国钢铁行业的发展遇到了前所未有的考验,受国际金融危机的影响,钢铁价格大幅跳水,市场需求急剧减少,企业库存不断高企,导致整个钢铁行业出现了严重的亏损。此外,行业产能过剩,房地产调控等因素更是让钢铁行业雪上加霜。可以说钢铁行业以最高的产量,最低的销售利润率进入了“十二五”。微利时代是躲不过去的,也是多年来高速发展矛盾积累的必然结果,当供大于求成为一种常态的时候,企业所面临的将是更加激烈的市场竞争。面对严峻的经济形势和不断加剧的激烈市场竞争,要想保证企业的生存与发展,必须在企业内部的生产管理上下功夫,钢铁企业由粗放型向集约型转型发展已是一种必然,,此时众多的钢铁企业不约而同的将精益生产理论引入到企业的生产管理中来。 太钢是我国最大的特殊钢企业,拥有全球最大的不锈钢生产能力。太钢致力于成为全球最具竞争力的不锈钢企业,但太钢不锈钢生产中面临着高库存,生产带出多、信息传递不准确等问题。本文对精益生产方式和理论进行了介绍。结合精益生产的原理和方法,重点对太钢不锈钢生产中出现的问题进行分析与解决,并对钢铁企业实施精益生产的方法进行了探讨,希望能对相关企业有所启发。
[Abstract]:Since entering the new century, with the globalization of economy and the continuous promotion of urbanization in China, the Chinese steel industry has also entered a so-called "golden age". Since the second half of 2008, the development of China's steel industry has met an unprecedented test. Under the influence of the international financial crisis, steel prices have plummeted, the market demand has decreased sharply, and the enterprise inventory has been constantly high. In addition, the industry overcapacity, real estate regulation and other factors make the steel industry worse. It can be said that the steel industry with the highest output. The lowest profit margin of sales has entered the "12th Five-Year Plan". The era of small profit can not be avoided, and it is also the inevitable result of the rapid development of contradictions over the years, when the supply exceeds the demand becomes a normal time. In the face of the severe economic situation and the fierce market competition, to ensure the survival and development of the enterprise, we must make great efforts in the production management of the enterprise. It is inevitable for iron and steel enterprises to transform from extensive type to intensive type. At this time, many iron and steel enterprises introduce lean production theory into the production management of enterprises. TISCO is the largest special steel enterprise in China and has the largest stainless steel production capacity in the world. TISCO is committed to becoming the most competitive stainless steel enterprise in the world, but it faces high stock in stainless steel production. This paper introduces the lean production mode and theory, combined with the principle and method of lean production. The problems in stainless steel production of Taiyuan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. are analyzed and solved, and the methods of lean production in iron and steel enterprises are discussed in order to enlighten the related enterprises.


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