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发布时间:2018-02-04 01:49

  本文关键词: 热点城市 房地产市场 城市土地市场 地王 供求关系 高溢价 过度透支 非理性  出处:《商周刊》2016年14期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The irrationality of the real estate market heats up sharply, seriously distorts the market normal supply and demand relation, causes the hot spot city land market demand to exceed the demand false, the hot spot city "the land king" frequently appears, to supply and demand relations basically balanced. Local excess supply and demand of the property market has added several "fire." with "high total price, high unit price, high premium" as the main characteristics of the "land king" project, while overdrawing the real estate market expectations. It also adds to the uncertainty of future market operations. Considering the unequal supply and demand side effects of capital easing, the current hot city "land king" project


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1 记者 黄晓芳;热点城市供地速度明显加快[N];经济日报;2013年

2 本报记者 王拉田 实习生 崔文澜;“西部游热点城市”热了[N];宝鸡日报;2007年

3 本报记者 林U,




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