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发布时间:2018-02-04 11:38

  本文关键词: 虚拟现实 交互设计 展示平台 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the face of fierce market economy, real estate companies began to use virtual reality technology to build a real estate information display platform in order to save costs and improve sales performance. At present, the interactive operation of the real estate display platform is too cumbersome. To the sales staff operation difficulties, also lead to customers can not independently browse the relevant information, which compared with the physical model display mode, the investment did not reduce much. Comprehensive virtual real estate information display platform. Developers through virtual real estate information display platform intuitionistic, accurate transmission of sales information, save manpower, material resources to improve the efficiency of sales. The experience of virtual space roaming strengthens the sense of information and the interest of interactive operation, which can attract customers more effectively. In order to improve the efficiency of real estate sales, this paper focuses on the development of real estate sales needs to build a real estate information display platform. This paper discusses the software design and implementation process of the real estate sales display system. At the beginning of this paper, the core technology, theory and functional requirements of the display platform are introduced, and 3D roaming is realized with VRML tools. The desktop 3D virtual roaming display platform is mainly divided into five modules, which are independent walking and browsing through the input equipment, animation display. Surrounding environment, traffic conditions, model room display. The desktop based virtual display platform and related modules are designed in detail. It focuses on the design of the interactive interface, the module of roaming and displaying between the real estate and the template, in which the interactive interface is designed from the two aspects of visual recognition and interactive function of the interface. According to the functional implementation of the display platform and requirements to build walkthrough display. Graphic display and animation display operating environment. Formed through interactive roaming comprehensive display of building information environment. Realized the desktop display virtual reality technology based on the real estate display platform 5 modules. Finally. The display platform is tested from five aspects: interactive functionality, interactive practicability, interactive generality, ease of operation of roaming and comprehensiveness of information. The test shows that the interactive function of the platform can meet the needs of real estate sales, the interface has good guidance, easy to identify the operation, and the virtual reality created by the independent virtual roaming enhances the participants' reality feeling. The comprehensive information module is beneficial to query and display, can effectively improve the display effect of real estate, can meet the demand of both the sale and the buyer of the information of the building at the same time, and effectively reduces the cost input of the sale and display of the real estate.


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