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发布时间:2018-02-04 13:14

  本文关键词: 战略管理 园林企业 战略 出处:《内蒙古财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,在国家相关政策引导下,生态城市概念的提出以及十八大报告中把生态文明建设摆在突出位置的战略部署,这些举措使得各级地方政府逐渐把加速城市园林绿化建设提上日程,这一举措极大推动了园林绿化行业的快速发展,而且城镇化引致房地产市场的持续升温,也必将带动与之配套的园林需求大幅增长,我国园林绿化行业正在进入一个高速发展阶段。 本文采用个案研究和访谈的方法,选取了鄂尔多斯市东胜区W园林绿化企业展开实证分析。该公司自成立10多年来凭借技术上的核心优势,在园林绿化、管护、苗木、花卉种植销售、园林绿化施工、园林大棚施工、花卉及园林机械设备租赁等领域取得了很大的发展,具备了一定的市场份额,但是这些年来,随着公司内外部环境的变化,公司在战略管理方面遇到了很大的困惑,故而在市场营销、人力资源等企业运营方面产生了诸多问题。本文研究的主要目的是通过国内外园林行业的产业特点以及鄂尔多斯园林的发展趋势与运营模式分析的基础上,并结合W园林公司实际情况对其进了详细的战略环境分析,最后对战略的制定和实施方面做了探讨。首先,战略环境分析框架主要包括企业所处的宏观环境和产业环境两部分,宏观战略环境分析主要采取专家投票法来确定G-PEST中的各关键要素;产业环境分析采用了波特五力分析方法,并采用CPM矩阵对企业自身及其竞争对手的实力作了详细的评估,最后进而采用EFE矩阵对该园林企业所面临的机遇与威胁进行了分析。其次,主要从企业的价值链和资源和能力方面对其进行了内部环境分析。最后,在内外部环境的分析的基础上,利用SWOT矩阵为该园林公司制定了总体战略、使命、目标及具体职能战略。另外,本文为W园林公司制定了战略实施措施,,对其经营风险的防范措施进行了探讨。本文的研究意义在于为企业,尤其是园林企业提供理论研究思路和实践指导。
[Abstract]:In recent years, under the guidance of the relevant national policies, the concept of eco-city and the 18 report put the ecological civilization construction in the prominent position of the strategic plan. These measures make local governments at all levels to accelerate the construction of urban landscaping on the agenda, this move has greatly promoted the rapid development of landscaping industry, and urbanization has led to a continuous heating up of the real estate market. It will also lead to a large increase in the demand for landscape architecture, and the landscaping industry in China is entering a high-speed stage of development. This paper uses the method of case study and interview to select W landscape enterprises in Dongsheng District of Ordos City to carry out empirical analysis. The company has been established since the establishment of more than 10 years with the core technical advantages in landscape greening. Management, seedling, flower planting and sales, landscaping construction, garden greenhouse construction, flowers and garden machinery and equipment rental and other fields have made great progress, with a certain market share, but over the years. With the change of internal and external environment, the company has encountered a lot of confusion in strategic management, so it is marketing. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the industrial characteristics of the garden industry at home and abroad as well as the development trend and operation mode of Ordos garden. And combined with the actual situation of W garden company into a detailed strategic environment analysis, and finally the strategy of the formulation and implementation of the discussion. First. The framework of strategic environmental analysis mainly includes the macro environment and industrial environment of the enterprise. The macro strategic environment analysis mainly adopts the expert voting method to determine the key elements of G-PEST. The industrial environment analysis adopts Porter's five forces analysis method, and uses the CPM matrix to make the detailed appraisal to the enterprise itself and its competitor's strength. Finally, EFE matrix is used to analyze the opportunities and threats faced by the garden enterprise. Secondly, the internal environment is analyzed mainly from the value chain, resources and capabilities of the enterprise. On the basis of the analysis of internal and external environment, the overall strategy, mission, target and specific function strategy of the garden company are worked out by using SWOT matrix. In addition, this paper formulates the strategic implementation measures for W garden company. The research significance of this paper is to provide theoretical research ideas and practical guidance for enterprises, especially garden enterprises.


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