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发布时间:2018-02-05 02:30

  本文关键词: 住房信息系统 项目需求分析 相关方 功能需求 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,房地产市场飞速发展,房价不断上涨,国家出台了一系列房地产调控政策,如建设保障性住房、限购、差别化信贷和税收等。房产税扩大试点城市势在必行,遗产税征收也被提及。以上房地产调控政策的落实,一个很关键、很基础的工作就是摸清居民家庭房产情况。建设个人住房信息系统被列入国家十二五规划纲要,在此环境下,住房城乡建设部启动了全国个人住房信息系统建设。在全国联网前,要求联网城市要首先完成本城市住房信息系统的建设任务。如何做好城市住房信息系统项目需求分析,明确系统的目标和所需功能,成为亟待解决的新课题。 JN市在住房城乡建设部建设城镇住房信息系统的大背景下,作为40个试点联网城市之一,先期进行了城市住房信息系统的建设,实现了七区三县一市房产信息系统的统一整合,完成了部、省、市、县四级联网,实现了房地产调控政策要求的功能,满足了部、省、市、县各级政府部门以及社会各方面对住房信息查询管理的需要。本文以J市为例,对城市住房信息系统建设项目的需求分析进行了深入的研究和探讨。 本文首先介绍了选题背景、需解决的问题、研究的内容和思路、课题研究的意义和创新点;其次对本文运用的管理学理论和方法进行了介绍,系统介绍了项目需求分析以及利益相关方的相关理论和研究方法;再次,本文运用项目相关方管理与项目需求分析理论,采用文献调查、访谈、问卷调查等需求调研方法,对JN市住房信息系统项目相关方需求进行了调研;根据相关方需求分析结果,从而进一步进行系统需求的详细分析和设计,最终确定了JN市住房信息系统的项目需求。本项目以相关方需求为导向分析信息系统需求的研究方法和思路,可为相关领域研究者提供借鉴;项目需求分析结论,对JN市住房信息系统成功建设发挥了基础性的作用,并为其他城市建设城市住房信息系统提供了有益的参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the rapid development of the real estate market, housing prices continue to rise, the country has issued a series of real estate policies, such as the construction of affordable housing, purchase, differentiated credit and tax. The property tax to expand the pilot city imperative, inheritance tax is also mentioned. In the real estate regulation policy implementation, a very the key is to find out the basic work of household property. The construction of individual housing information system was included in the 12th Five-Year national plan, in this environment, the Ministry of housing and urban construction launched the national individual housing information system construction. In the national network, city network required to complete this city housing information system construction is the first task. Do the analysis of city housing information system project requirements, objectives and functions required for a clear system, has become a new issue to be solved.
The city of JN in the background of the Ministry of housing and urban construction construction of urban housing information system, as one of the 40 pilot city network, advance the construction of city housing information system, realize the integration of real estate information system in three counties and one city district seven, completed the Ministry, province, city, county four level network implementation the real estate regulation policy to meet the requirements of function, Ministry, province, city, county government departments at all levels and all aspects of social housing information management. This paper takes J as an example, the city housing information system construction project needs analysis carried out in-depth study and discussion.
This paper first introduces the research background, problems, contents and ideas of research, significance and innovation of the research; secondly on the management theory and methods are introduced, the system introduces the related theory and the stakeholders of the project needs analysis and research methods; thirdly, analyzing the theory of project stakeholders the management requirements of the project in this paper, a literature survey, interviews, questionnaires and other research methods of JN demand, housing information system project stakeholders needs are researched; according to the stakeholder needs analysis, detailed analysis and design to system demand, and ultimately determine the housing information system in the city of JN, the demand of the project. This project is based on the stakeholder needs for the method and idea oriented requirement analysis of information system research, provide reference for relevant research in the field of project demand analysis; The conclusion has played a basic role in the successful construction of the housing information system in JN City, and provides a useful reference for the construction of urban housing information system in other cities.



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