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发布时间:2018-02-05 19:50

  本文关键词: 房地产类行业协会 网络信息平台 评价指标 对策 出处:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产市场的崛起,使得房地产行业成为中国经济的支柱产业,房地产经济的发展也在各省市经济中起着着重要的作用。高科技信息技术的运用,使得安徽省房地产市场信息化程度日益加深,不断丰富着房地产市场中的信息。 房地产作为一种固定资产,有着自身的特点:房地产产品价值量大且存在异质性,使得房地产在交易过程中具有复杂性,在信息需求与掌握中尤为突出。房地产市场具有复杂性,房地产市场中产生的信息也具有复杂性,大量的信息充斥着房地产市场,安徽省房地产市场中各类市场主体对房地产市场信息的难以完整准确的收集及处理,且信息资源的整合性差,房地产买卖双方间难以达到一种信息平衡,市场运行的效率较低,信息不对称问题突出。信息不对称问题难以解决,将对经济的持续发展提出挑战,也对公众的生活产生了消极影响。房地产信息不对称问题,整合房地产信息资源,规范安徽省房地产市场,成为政府和行业协会所要解决的问题,房地产政府部门应该加快推动信息化发展的具体要求。但由于政府自身能力以及各方面的限制,无法独立展开房地产市场的监督管理活动,就需要通过购买服务,授权第三部门完善房地产市场的信息化建设。安徽省房地产类行业协会信息化起步时间短,发展缓慢,房地产类行业协会信息平台发展总体上处于相对落后与被动的局面。在房地产市场中满足市场主体对信息资源的需求,需要建立高效有用的信息服务渠道和信息资源渠道,用来实现房地产市场主体之间的信息传递与信息沟通。面对机遇和挑战,安徽省房地产类行业协会作为介于政府与企业、企业与个人之间的非营利组织,协会部门如何利用自身的特点及优势,建立健全高效的安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台,提高信息平台的服务能力,成为安徽省房地产类行业协会日前必须解决的问题。 通过对安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台进行初步需求分析,结合安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台建设的发展现状,提出安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台建设发展的策略和措施建议。主要的工作与结论如下: 第一,分析信息平台用户对房地类行业协会信息平台的需求,对安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台建设的现状和价值进行研究。 第二,在分析安徽省房地类行业协会网络信息平台现状发展的基础上,结合现有文献以及非结构化访谈,设计出房地产类行业协会网络信息平台的评价指标体系,并运用专家调查法与层次分析法计算出各指标具体权重。 第三,根据完善的指标体系,设计问卷,对安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台发展做实证研究,对数据进行效度、信度、描述性、相关性、差异性以及多重比较分析,并根据指标权重,计算出安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台得分。 第四,根据实证研究结果进行描述性统计分析等,找出安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台的建设问题,并探讨原因。 第五,根据安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台建设存在的问题及原因进行分析,提出具体的对策建议,进而完善安徽省房地产类行业协会网络信息平台建设。
[Abstract]:The rise of the real estate market makes the real estate industry a pillar industry of China ' s economy , and the development of the real estate economy plays an important role in the economy of all provinces and cities . The application of high - tech information technology makes the information of real estate market in Anhui increasingly deepened and enriches the information in the real estate market . As a kind of fixed assets , real estate has its own characteristics : the value of real estate products is large and there is heterogeneity , so that the real estate has the complexity in the course of the transaction . The real estate market has the complexity . The real estate market has complicated information . The real estate government should speed up the information transfer and information communication between the real estate market and the real estate market . Based on the analysis of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry associations and the development status quo of the construction of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry associations , the paper puts forward the strategies and measures for the construction and development of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry associations . The main tasks and conclusions are as follows : First , analyze the demand of the information platform of the information platform , and study the current situation and value of the construction of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry association . Secondly , based on the analysis of the status quo of the network information platform in Anhui Province , combining the existing literature and the non - structured interviews , the paper designs the evaluation index system of the network information platform of the real estate industry association , and calculates the specific weight of each index by using the expert survey method and the analytic hierarchy process . Thirdly , according to the perfect index system and design questionnaire , the paper makes an empirical study on the development of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry association , and analyzes the validity , reliability , description , correlation , difference and multiple comparative analysis of the data , and calculates the score of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry association according to the index weight . Fourthly , according to the empirical research results , the paper finds out the construction problem of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry association network , and discusses the reasons . Fifth , according to the problems and causes of the construction of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry association , put forward the concrete countermeasure suggestion , and further improve the construction of the network information platform of Anhui real estate industry association .



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