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发布时间:2018-02-09 18:21

  本文关键词: 外商投入资本 房地产 上市公司 绩效 影响 出处:《兰州交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,一方面,我国经济的快速发展,吸引了大批外商来中国投资。另一方面,我国城乡居民收入持续增长,对居住条件的要求日益提高,使房地产行业成为我国增长最快的行业之一。然而,房地产行业的快速发展并没有带来房地产公司绩效的必然提高,我们也无法确定国内公司吸收外商投入资本对自身绩效的影响方向。目前,,房地产上市公司能否通过吸收外商投入资本改善绩效仍是一个未知数。故本研究从外商投入资本及公司绩效的概念出发,梳理了已有研究成果,分析了房地产上市公司绩效的构成要素,进而从理论及实证的角度探清了外商投入资本对房地产上市公司绩效的影响路径,针对国内房地产上市公司在利用外资过程中存在的问题,提出了相应的建议。这是具有较为重要的意义的。本研究共分为六个部分: 第一部分,绪论。本部分主要分析了选题的背景及意义和厘清了相关概念,在此基础上提出了本研究的目的,介绍了本研究的主要研究内容与方法,最后简要概括了本研究的创新及不足之处。 第二部分,文献综述。本部分的主要任务是总结和评价已有研究成果。本研究从公司绩效的内涵、评价方法和影响因素以及外商投入资本对公司的影响等方面整理了已有研究成果。 第三部分,房地产上市公司绩效的构成分析。本部分在前文基础上,具体剖析了房地产上市公司绩效的构成要素,并对选取的指标进行评价为后文分析影响路径打好基础。 第四部分,外商投入资本对房地产上市公司绩效的影响路径分析。本部分在总结房地产公司特点的基础上,从市场、股权结构和公司治理结构的角度,深入分析了外商投入资本对房地产上市公司绩效的影响。 第五部分,外商投入资本对我国房地产上市公司绩效影响的实证分析。本部分运用因子分析法和方差分析法,通过选取特定年份房地产上市公司的数据,分析了外商投入资本对样本公司绩效的影响。 第六部分,政策建议。本部分结合定量分析及定性分析的结果,就房地产上市公司吸收外商投入资本方面提出了建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, on the one hand, the rapid economic development of our country has attracted a large number of foreign businessmen to invest in China. On the other hand, the income of urban and rural residents in China has continued to grow, and the demand for living conditions has been increasingly raised. The real estate industry has become one of the fastest-growing industries in China. However, the rapid development of the real estate industry has not brought about an inevitable improvement in the performance of real estate companies. Nor can we determine the direction that domestic companies will have on their performance when they absorb foreign capital. It is still unknown whether the real estate listed companies can improve their performance by absorbing foreign investment capital. Therefore, this study starts from the concepts of foreign investment capital and corporate performance, and combs the existing research results. This paper analyzes the components of real estate listed companies' performance, and then explores the influence of foreign investment capital on the performance of real estate listed companies from the perspective of theory and empirical analysis. In view of the problems existing in the process of utilizing foreign capital in the listed companies of real estate in China, the corresponding suggestions are put forward, which is of great significance. This study is divided into six parts:. The first part, introduction. This part mainly analyzes the background and significance of the topic and clarifies the related concepts, and then puts forward the purpose of this study, introduces the main research content and methods. Finally, the innovation and deficiency of this study are briefly summarized. The second part, literature review. The main task of this part is to summarize and evaluate the existing research results. The evaluation methods and influencing factors, as well as the impact of foreign investment capital on the company and other aspects of the existing research results. The third part, the real estate listed company performance composition analysis. This part on the basis of the above, the specific analysis of the real estate listed company performance elements, and the evaluation of the selected indicators for the later analysis of the impact path to lay a good foundation. Part 4th, the impact of foreign investment capital on the performance of listed real estate companies. This part summarizes the characteristics of real estate companies, from the perspective of the market, equity structure and corporate governance structure, This paper analyzes the effect of foreign investment capital on the performance of listed real estate companies. Part 5th, empirical analysis of the impact of foreign investment capital on the performance of listed real estate companies in China. This part uses factor analysis and variance analysis to select the data of real estate listed companies in specific years. This paper analyzes the influence of foreign investment capital on the performance of the sample company. Part 6th, policy recommendations. Combining the results of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, this part puts forward some suggestions on the real estate listed companies to absorb foreign investment capital.


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