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发布时间:2018-02-10 08:51

  本文关键词: 民营制造业 企业 竞争战略 转型 出处:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放30多年来,民营制造业逐步成长,为我国经济增长做出了重要的贡献。近年来,制造业的增长率均达到9%以上,民营经济增长率远远超过同期的GDP增长率,民营经济已成为社会主义市场经济不可或缺的组成部分。然而在当前国际国内形势下,虚体经济过热,利润率较低,使得民营制造业纷纷转产,将资本投入房地产等行业。·国内产能过剩,外贸进出口受阻,输入型通货膨胀压力仍然较大,也使得我国民营制造业面临着“生与死的抉择”。相对于国有企业,民营企业的比重更大,数量更多,占国民生产总值的比例更大,民营制造业是否能够健康发展,直接关系到我国整个国民经济质量,关系到社会主义现代化建设的成败。 本文以波特的传统竞争战略理论以及“蓝海战略”为背景,在国内外学者对企业转型及竞争战略选择等研究的基础上,通过对当前中国民营制造业企业传统的转型竞争战略理论及实践的研究的基础上,分析了中国民营制造业所面临的几大问题,以及产生这些问题的深层次的原因,找出传统竞争战略理论与现代企业转型的“不适应性”,并结合国外一些国家和地区制造业企业竞争战略转型的成功经验,结合我国自身实际,深度挖掘提炼出一种适合于中国民营制造业转型的竞争战略——综合优势竞争战略,同时在国家区域经济规划的基础上,把我国的民营制造业划分为东中西及东北四大制造业产业区域,结合各区域自身的条件,相应提出了各区域的民营制造业企业运用综合优势竞争战略的方式,从而力图从整体上提高我国民营制造业在国际市场上的综合竞争优势,实现民营制造业在竞争战略上的成功转型。并从企业层面和政府层面提出了为了实现这种综合优势竞争战略的相应对策建议,引导我国的民营制造业向着更加健康的方向发展。
[Abstract]:During the past 30 years of reform and opening up, the private manufacturing industry has gradually grown, which has made an important contribution to the economic growth of our country. In recent years, the growth rate of the manufacturing industry has reached more than 9%, and the growth rate of the private economy far exceeds the GDP growth rate of the same period. The private economy has become an indispensable part of the socialist market economy. However, under the current international and domestic situation, the virtual economy is overheated and the profit margin is low, which makes the private manufacturing industry switch to production one after another. Put capital into real estate and other industries... Domestic overcapacity, foreign trade import and export blocked, import and export, imported inflation pressure is still large, also make our private manufacturing industry faced with "life and death choice." compared to state-owned enterprises, The proportion of private enterprises is larger, the quantity is more, and the proportion of GDP is larger. Whether the private manufacturing industry can develop healthily is directly related to the quality of the whole national economy of our country and the success or failure of socialist modernization construction. This paper is based on Porter's traditional competitive strategy theory and Blue Ocean Strategy, and on the basis of domestic and foreign scholars' research on enterprise transformation and competitive strategy selection. On the basis of the research on the theory and practice of the traditional transition competitive strategy of the private manufacturing enterprises in China, this paper analyzes the problems faced by the private manufacturing industry in China, and the deep reasons for these problems. Find out the "inadaptability" between the traditional competitive strategy theory and the transformation of modern enterprises, and combine the successful experience of some foreign countries and regions in the transformation of manufacturing enterprises' competition strategy, and combine with the reality of our country. A competitive strategy suitable for the transformation of China's private manufacturing industry, the comprehensive advantage competitive strategy, was extracted from the deep mining, and the national regional economic planning was also carried out. The private manufacturing industry of our country is divided into four manufacturing industry regions of east, west, west and northeast. According to the conditions of each region, this paper puts forward the ways of applying the comprehensive advantage competitive strategy to the private manufacturing enterprises in each region. In order to improve the overall competitive advantage of China's private manufacturing industry in the international market, In order to realize the successful transformation of the competitive strategy of the private manufacturing industry, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions from the enterprise level and the government level to guide the development of the private manufacturing industry in China towards a more healthy direction.


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