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发布时间:2018-02-11 00:45

  本文关键词: 房地产开发 可行性研究 商业地产 项目管理 风险管控 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着2004年我国房地产业进入全新发展时期,全国上下也对此行业爆棚式的发展引发了巨大的争议。因此自2010年以来,房地产开始进行紧缩型调控,四月十七日颁布《国务院关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨的通知》,调控力度史无前例。2011年以来,随着地产格局的更替和政策的调整,住宅地产发展开始趋缓,而商业地产市场俨然进入到了黄金发展期。2011年全年,办公楼和商业营业用房销售额同比增长率分别高达16.1%和23.7%。二零一一年七月二十日,中国银监会强调商业地产抵押贷款的风险,并首次提出对商业地产抵押贷款的具体要求,,表明我国已经开始关注商业房地产领域的过热迹象,但我国商业地产市场仍有很大空间和潜力。目前房地产市场在一线城市已经开始趋于饱和状态,未来商业地产开发必将转向二、三线城市。 本文的研究目的主要是为了对房地产开发项目进行计划管理,能使项目的开发建设有计划、按顺序有条不紊地展开。通过对于项目可行性研究分析得出通过使用一个动态计划管理,尽量使项目有序地,低风险地达到预期总目标。通过对开发项目投资环境及市场分析有助于提高房地产开发商对房地产项目开发前风险识别的能力。房地产开发是一个动态的过程,适应现时房地产开发市场的不确定性环境,以保证房地产项目的成功是非常重要的。对于同类型开发项目的分析研究有助于了解同类型房地产开发项目开发时遇到的各种情况与目前的运营状态,保障房地产项目管理的正确性,正确选择差异化,地区适宜化的项目规划,保障开发项目的顺利实现。对于周边项目的分析研究能够有依据性的分析周边土地供应情况、地价情况与新建项目的构成情况,了解近年内周边人口数量、人群等情况,更好的帮助一个项目的可持续发展定位与运营。通过以上分析与研究,对于现有项目进行分析评价以及初步定位,估测项目的经济效益与风险程度,尽早的做出可行性分析与建议。通过这样的一种形式,更好的保证企业的生存和稳定经营,达到提高开发项目的经济效益的目标。本文通过对于以上几个方面的分析和研究最终给出该项目的可行性与风险防控建议,保障该项目运行中的稳定性,提高该项目达到预期目标的可能性。
[Abstract]:In 2004, China's real estate industry entered a new period of development, the whole country has also caused a huge controversy over the development of this industry, so since 2010, the real estate industry began to tighten control. In April 17th, the State Council issued the Circular of the State Council on firmly curbing the excessive rise in housing prices in some cities. The intensity of regulation and control is unprecedented. Since 2011, with the replacement of the real estate structure and the adjustment of policies, the development of residential real estate has begun to slow down. The commercial real estate market has entered a golden development period. In 2011, sales of office buildings and commercial premises increased by 16.1% and 23.7respectively from a year earlier. In July 20th 2011, The China Banking Regulatory Commission has stressed the risk of commercial real estate mortgage loans and put forward for the first time specific requirements for commercial real estate mortgage loans, indicating that China has begun to pay attention to signs of overheating in the commercial real estate sector. But the commercial real estate market of our country still has great space and potential.At present, the real estate market has begun to be saturated in the first-tier cities, and the development of commercial real estate in the future will turn to the second-and third-tier cities. The purpose of this paper is mainly to plan and manage the real estate development projects, so that the development and construction of the projects can be planned. By analyzing the feasibility of the project, it is concluded that by using a dynamic plan management, the project can be managed in an orderly manner as far as possible. The investment environment and market analysis of the development project can help to improve the ability of the real estate developer to identify the risk before the development of the real estate project. The real estate development is a dynamic process. Adapting to the uncertain environment of the current real estate development market, It is very important to ensure the success of real estate projects. The analysis and research on the same type of development projects is helpful to understand the various situations encountered in the development of the same kind of real estate development projects and the current operational status. Ensuring the correctness of real estate project management, correctly choosing the project planning of differentiation and regionalization, and ensuring the smooth realization of the development project. The situation of land price and the composition of new projects, understand the surrounding population, crowd and so on in recent years, better help a project's sustainable development positioning and operation. Through the above analysis and research, To analyze, evaluate and position the existing projects, estimate the economic benefits and risk of the projects, and make feasibility analysis and suggestions as soon as possible. Through such a form, we can better ensure the survival and stable operation of the enterprises. Through the analysis and study of the above aspects, the feasibility and risk prevention and control suggestions of the project are finally given to ensure the stability of the project in operation. Improve the project's chances of achieving its desired goals.


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