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发布时间:2018-02-11 17:50

  本文关键词: 工程机械行业 SAP 项目实施 模块集成 出处:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:伴随着09年后中国加大对基础建设的投资和房地产行业的繁荣,中国的工程机械行业规模得到长足的发展,但是企业的制造水平与管理水平跟不上业务的增长,,与传统的工程机械强国还存在较大差距,特别是企业信息化水平低下,致使资源的配置与管理的决策得不到好的支持,中国工程机械行业真正的做大做强必须从提高企业的信息化管理水平入手。 本文从介绍SAP工程机械行业标准解决方案、集成技术和ASAP实施方法论的开始,系统阐述了目前SAP项目实施过程中标准方案、集成技术和实施方法运用上所存在的问题,结合本人在工程机械行业多个SAP系统实施项目经验,提出了在实施项目过程中比较行之有效的方案,并通过一个真实的工程机械行业企业项目的实施,展示方案从理论到具体应用的过程,并在最后对该项目实施效果和应用前景进行评估。 主要内容从三个方面进行分析,第一方面是工程机械行业标准解决方案实施过程中可能遇到问题,包括企业非标业务流程实施与标准方案之间的差异、集成不同业务之间的冲突等问题,针对问题提出了包括改进业务流程、使用系统外软件、自定义开发等不同手段解决。在关于工程机械行业实施难点的分析中,从行业的实际业务特点和SAP最佳实践出发,通过分析和调研,研究出最适合本行业业务模式的策略。在对工程机械行业标准解决方案按单设计(ETO)和设计BOM转换生产BOM方案分析基础上,提出了适合于目前中国工程机械行业方案的改进。第二方面是集成技术在实施过程中过程中的改进,首先介绍了目前SAP系统中常用的集成技术,并描述集成技术在各模块之间的应用范围。在此基础上,提出了SAP实施过程中常常会遇到的集成方面的问题,包括SAP模块内部集成和与外部系统之间的集成的问题,结合具体项目实施提出不同的解决方案,包括模块间集成进行系统配置的更改、通过用户出口开发和向SAP notes寻求帮助等,与外部系统集成问题可以通过SAP提供的标准接口的开发、对传递文件进行人工干预或通过开发中间件解决。在对目前工程机械行业与外部系统(如产品生命周期管理(PLM)、供应商管理(SRM)软件)集成方案的介绍中,提出适用目前中国工程机械行业集成优化方案。第三方面是标准实施方法论在具体实施过程的改进,包括对标准实施方法论各实施步骤进行过程控制,增加对细节管理和风险管控等方式。在项目个体案例应用部分,通过介绍对ETO实施方法的改进,展示了工程机械行业标准解决方案的改进与优化,通过PLM、SRM、金税软件与SAP集成方案,来证实SAP集成技术在工程机械行业的应用与改进。 通过本文介绍某典型工程机械行业的案例分析,从标准解决方案的改进和集成技术的开发运用方面分析,不仅为本次项目的顺利实施提供了有利保障,也对工程机械行业其他企业实施SAP具有一定的理论价值和实际应用价值。
[Abstract]:After 09 years Chinese along with the increase of infrastructure investment and the prosperity of the real estate industry, construction machinery industry China scale has made great progress, but the level of manufacturing enterprises and the management level can not keep up with the growth of the business, there is a big gap with the traditional power engineering machinery, especially the low level of enterprise informatization, resulting in the allocation and management of resources of the decision not to support good, China engineering machinery industry truly become bigger and stronger must start from improving the level of enterprise information management.
This paper begins with the introduction of SAP to solve the engineering machinery industry standard solutions, integrated technology and ASAP to start the implementation methodology, the system describes the current SAP standard in the process of project implementation plan, integration and implementation technique is used on the existing problems, combined with the engineering machinery industry multiple SAP system implementation project experience, put forward in the implementation of the project in the process of comparison of effective solutions, and through the implementation of a real engineering machinery industry enterprise project, show the scheme from theory to application, and at the end of the project implementation effect and prospect evaluation.
The main contents of the analysis from three aspects, the first aspect is the problem may be implementation of engineering machinery industry standard solutions in the process, including differences between enterprises of non-standard business processes and the implementation of standard solutions, integrated problem between different business conflicts, problems are put forward including the improvement of business processes, the use of system software, custom solutions the development of different methods. In the analysis of engineering machinery industry implementation difficulties, starting from the industry's actual business characteristics and SAP best practices, through analysis and Research on the most suitable for the industry business model strategy. According to the single design solution on construction machinery industry standard (ETO) and BOM conversion analysis of production design BOM scheme, is proposed to improve the current Chinese engineering machinery industry scheme. The second aspect is the integration process in the implementation process Improved, first introduced the integrated technology of SAP system at present, and describe the application of integration technology in between each module. On this basis, put forward the integrated problems often SAP will be encountered in the implementation process, including internal and external SAP module integration and system integration problems, proposed solutions the implementation of specific projects, including the module integration changes the configuration of the system, the user through the export development and to SAP notes for help, the development of standard interface and external system integration can be provided by SAP, manual intervention to transfer files or resolved through the development of middleware. In the construction machinery industry and external system (such as product Lifecycle Management (PLM), supplier management (SRM) software) integration scheme introduction, proposed for the current China engineering machinery industry integration and optimization Plan. The third aspect is the theory in the improvement of the specific implementation process of standard implementation, including the implementation of the method of standard steps of process control, increase of detail management and risk control etc. in case of individual project application part, through the introduction of improved implementation method for ETO, showing the construction machinery industry standard solutions and improvement the optimization scheme, through PLM, SRM, SAP and Jinshui software integration scheme, to confirm the application and improvement of SAP integrated technology in construction machinery industry.
Through this paper analysis a typical case of engineering machinery industry, development and application of improved solutions and integrated technology from the standard analysis, not only provides a good guarantee for the smooth implementation of the project, the implementation of SAP also has a certain theoretical value and practical application value for engineering machinery industry other enterprises.



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