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发布时间:2018-02-13 21:56

  本文关键词: 新乡市 现房销售 机制构建 出处:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:住房,作为普通家庭的一件重要的大宗商品,已经成为我国居民最为基础的幸福指标,成为人民群众安居乐业的最基本需求,甚至成为一般普通家庭一代人的生活目标。但是,在当前我国房地产政策条件下,存在着商品房买卖纠纷多、解决难、矛盾突出的诸多问题,,至今没有一个彻底根治的解决办法或政策法规,不仅仅影响到纠纷当事家庭的财产权益和毕生的精神幸福,也直接危害到我国房地产市场的健康发展和经济社会的和谐稳定。 本文笔者对新乡市房地产市场发展历史及现状进行了深入的研究分析,对国外房地产市场发展和政策法规进行了研究和借鉴,对当前房地产政策推动房地产市场的发展壮大所起的巨大作用给予了充分的肯定,对当前商品房买卖纠纷产生的原因进行了深层次的分析和研究,对实施现房销售的优势和对消除当前商品房买卖纠纷所起的作用进行了对比分析,发现实施房地产现房销售,通过自然的市场法则和正常的商品买卖规则买卖双方能够积极主动地预防预售制度可能产生的矛盾纠纷。据此,笔者提出了新乡市构建现房销售机制紧迫性和必要性。 对如何构建现房销售机制,笔者提出了政府主导推进实施、开发商主导实施、消费者主导实施的三个方案,通过对比较分析,认为最好的方式是在政府主导下、开发企业、消费者积极配合参与,共同构建房地产现房销售机制,共同促进现房销售推进实施。 现房销售构建的提出,对新乡市彻底消除商品房购房纠纷、保护买卖双方权益、抑制房地产市场“泡沫”和无序发展、促进房地产市场健康稳定发展有着基础性的政策导向和调节作用,对促进新乡市经济科学发展、社会更加和谐稳定有着重要的基础性作用。
[Abstract]:Housing, as an important commodity for ordinary families, has become the most basic indicator of happiness for Chinese residents, the most basic need for people to live and work in peace and contentment, and even the living goal of a generation of ordinary families. Under the current conditions of real estate policy in our country, there are many problems, such as many disputes in the sale of commercial housing, difficult to solve, and outstanding contradictions. So far, there is not a radical solution or policies and regulations. It not only affects the property rights and interests of the families involved in the dispute, but also directly endangers the healthy development of the real estate market and the harmony and stability of the economy and society. In this paper, the author has carried on the thorough research and analysis to the Xinxiang real estate market development history and the present situation, has carried on the research and the reference to the foreign real estate market development and the policy law. This paper fully affirms the great role played by the current real estate policy in promoting the development and expansion of the real estate market, and makes a deep analysis and study on the causes of the disputes arising from the sale and purchase of commercial housing at present. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the advantages of implementing the real estate sales and the role it plays in eliminating the current disputes over the sale of commercial housing, and finds out that the implementation of the real estate real estate real estate real estate sales, Through the natural market rules and normal commodity trading rules, both buyers and sellers can proactively prevent the possible conflicts arising from the pre-sale system. Accordingly, the author puts forward the urgency and necessity of constructing the present housing sales mechanism in Xinxiang City. As to how to build the real estate sales mechanism, the author puts forward three schemes of government-led implementation, developer oriented implementation and consumer-led implementation. Through comparative analysis, the author thinks that the best way is to develop enterprises under the guidance of the government. Consumers actively participate in the construction of real estate real estate sales mechanism to promote the implementation of real estate sales. The construction of the real estate sales will completely eliminate the commercial housing purchase disputes, protect the rights and interests of the buyers and sellers, and curb the "bubble" and disorderly development of the real estate market. Promoting the healthy and stable development of the real estate market plays a fundamental role in guiding and regulating the policies and plays an important role in promoting the economic and scientific development of Xinxiang city and the social harmony and stability.


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