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发布时间:2018-02-13 18:54

  本文关键词: 电梯安全 监管 特种设备 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国GDP持续快速增长,各行业繁荣发展,无论是工厂厂房的兴建,还是房地产住宅楼的建设,或是各大城市的金融商务中心项目的启动,都拉动了电梯总量的快速增加。然而,电梯的安全事故却接二连三,从广州服装商贸市场货梯事故,到北京地铁自动扶梯逆转拥挤事故,再到深圳国贸大厦电梯超载事故,,都造成了无法挽回的人身损伤,并且导致了巨大的经济损失,影响了人们的正常生活。因此,加强电梯安全监管已经成为了当前地方政府刻不容缓的问题。梅州虽然是一个经济欠发达地区,但是电梯发展也相当迅速,电梯安全事故的也不时发生,由于该地区电梯发展过快,相关的软件硬件设施严重滞后,造成诸多电梯安全隐患。 本文以电梯监管检验人员的角度对梅州市电梯安全监管问题进行探讨和研究。本文通过收集相关的国内外重要文献和记录,和对监管与检验部门主要人员和电梯制造、安装、维保公司的主要负责人进行访谈,从而获取电梯监管环境的第一手资料,综合应用访谈法、比较分析法、归纳总结法对梅州市电梯安全监管问题进行研究。研究的主要目的和意义在于给梅州市电梯监管部门提供有效且可执行的建议、建立健康的电梯制造、销售、安装、检验市场、提高电梯使用者使用电梯的安全意识,以实现梅州电梯能更安全高效的运行。
[Abstract]:The sustained and rapid growth of GDP in China and the prosperity and development of various industries, whether the construction of factories and factories, the construction of real estate residential buildings or the start-up of financial and commercial center projects in major cities, have all contributed to the rapid increase in the total number of elevators. But one after another, the safety accidents of elevators have caused irreparable personal injuries, from cargo ladder accidents in Guangzhou clothing trade market, to reversing congestion accidents on escalators of the Beijing subway, to the elevator overloading accidents in the Shenzhen Guomao Tower, all of which have resulted in irreparable personal injuries. It has caused huge economic losses and affected people's normal lives. Therefore, strengthening elevator safety supervision has become a pressing issue for local governments. Although Meizhou is an economically underdeveloped region, But the elevator also develops very quickly, the elevator safety accident also occurs from time to time, because the elevator development in this area is too fast, the related software and hardware facilities lag seriously, resulting in a lot of elevator safety hidden trouble. In this paper, the elevator safety supervision in Meizhou City is discussed and studied from the angle of elevator supervisor and inspector. By collecting relevant domestic and foreign important documents and records, and the main personnel of supervision and inspection department and elevator manufacture, installation, In order to obtain first-hand information about the elevator regulatory environment, comprehensive application of the interview method and comparative analysis, The main purpose and significance of the study is to provide effective and executable advice to the elevator supervision department in Meizhou City, and to establish a healthy elevator manufacturing, sales, installation and inspection market. To improve the safety awareness of elevator users in order to achieve a more safe and efficient operation of the lift in Meizhou.


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